Campaign setup

User acquisition campaigns help you bring new players into your game. To manage your campaigns from the Unity Ads User Acquisition dashboard, add an app or select an existing app to access its Campaigns page.

Choosing a campaign typeReview the available campaign types and how they align with your goals
Install campaignsRun an Install campaign to acquire users
Creative Testing campaignsRun a Creative Testing campaign to test ad performance
Retention campaignsRun a campaign that's optimized to acquire users who are more likely to use your app for seven days.
Event campaignsRun a campaign that's optimized to acquire users who are more likely to perform specific, meaningful actions after installing your app.
Return on Ad Spend) campaignsRun a campaign that's optimized to acquire users who are more likely to make in-app purchases or generate ad revenue.
Audience Pinpointer campaignsRun an Audience Pinpointer campaign to acquire targeted kinds of users

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