Start a Payer campaign

Creating a Payer campaign consists of setting up your MMP dashboard configuration to pass post-install data to Unity, and then creating a Payer campaign from the Unity Ads User Acquisition dashboard.

Set up your MMP integration

To set up a supported MMP integration with Unity to track and pass post-install data for Payer campaigns, refer to pass post-install events using AppsFlyer, Adjust, and Singular, respectively. These instructions cover the necessary steps to link the MMP dashboard with your app using the Unity Ads Game ID field. The articles also describe how to add event postback information, including the in-app event name, event type, and whether sending revenue is enabled.

Note: If you map multiple events to Payer in an MMP integration, by default Unity will optimize for the first occurrence. To ensure all relevant purchase events contribute towards the optimization model, map all purchase events to the partner name event in the MMP integration setup step.

Map to a Payer event in AppsFlyer

When creating a Payer campaign, use the following steps to map an MMP Purchase event in your MMP dashboard to a partner event:

  1. Log in to your AppsFlyer dashboard and navigate to the Integration tab.
  2. If you aren’t already set up with AppsFlyer as an MMP, refer to pass post-install events using AppsFlyer documentation.
  3. Complete the fields, as applicable: * AppsFlyer event: select an sdk_event_name * Mapped to partner event: select Purchase * If you are running IAP campaigns in parallel to Payer campaigns, set the Include Value and Revenue field

Map to a Payer event in Adjust

  1. Log in to your Adjust dashboard and navigate to Partner Parameter Mapping.

Note: If you aren’t already set up with Adjust as an MMP, refer to pass post-install events using Adjust documentation.

  1. Complete the fields, as applicable: * App: select a sdk_event_name * To Partner: select Purchase

Map to a Payer event in Singular

  1. Log in to your Singular dashboard and navigate to the Partner Configuration section.

Note: If you aren’t already set up with Singular as an MMP, refer to pass post-install events using Singular documentation.

  1. Complete the fields, as applicable: * In-app (SDK) event name: select sdk_event_name * Event Name: select Purchase

Create a Payer campaign in the Unity Dashboard

Note: If you aren’t able to see the option to create a closed beta Payer campaign, ensure your Unity account manager or Unity Support has enabled this feature for you, and that you meet the eligibility criteria to use it.

  1. Log in to the Unity Cloud dashboard and navigate to the User Acquisition dashboard.
  2. Click Apps from the side navigation and select your app.
  3. From the Campaigns page, click Create.
  4. Click Event Optimization from the Audience Pinpointer Campaign Types section, then click Next.
  5. Select the Payer optimized campaign option.
  6. From the Campaigns page, select the Payer campaign you created to set the Country targeting and target cost per event per country.

Best practices for Payer campaign set up

Run multiple Audience Pinpointer campaigns

To maximize the required qualified events and user acquisition efforts in general, you can run optimized campaigns, like Payer campaigns, in parallel with other Audience Pinpointer campaign types, such as ROAS IAP. There are no restrictions to running multiple Audience Pinpointer campaign types simultaneously to run a Payer campaign.

Use Target Cost per Event for the price paid per event

Start with a low target price and slowly increase it, increasing tCPE 10% per day until your Daily Spend is reached.

Refer to the Level Complete Cost by dX metric in Acquire to evaluate historical observed CPE for the intended game_id and country.

Set your Daily Budget to allow for exploration

If your Daily Budget is large enough, it will allow for a healthy exploration of users. It’s recommended to set a cap 10 to 20 times your tCPE goal with a minimum of $500 per day.