Pass post-install events using Singular

To set up Singular to pass post-install data to Unity, follow their documentation using the following settings within the Partner Configuration section of their dashboard:

  1. In the App-specific configuration section:

    1. In the Unity Ads Game ID field, enter your Game ID from the Unity Ads User Acquisition dashboard.
    2. Set the Click-through attribution lookback window.
  2. In the Event postbacks section:

    1. For optimization purposes, set the Send in-app events to Unity Ads field to Send this partner postbacks about all in-app events. This will send events from your entire user base, versus only sending events from users attributed to Unity. For more information, refer to Singular’s documentation on event postbacks.
    2. Click the plus (+) icon to add an SDK event to the list for each of the following Unity Ads events:
In-app (SDK) event name example*Event name**Send revenue
__iap__ or [custom purchase event name]*purchaseEnabled
__ADMON_USER_LEVEL_REVENUE__ad revenueEnabled

* Choose either _iap_ or the custom revenue event name you have implemented as your revenue event in Singular’s SDK. For more information, refer to Singular’s documentation on event postbacks.

** There are more identifiers in the drop-down list. However, do not select any options besides the three listed above.

Note: If the ad revenue event does not appear, you need to set up user-level ad revenue. For more information and instructions on how to configure these settings, refer to Singular’s guide on Ad Revenue Attribution.

Important: Double-check and verify the following:

  • You do not pass the same event to multiple partner event identifiers.
  • You’ve assigned the correct partner event identifier to each specific event.
  • You do not pass duplicate events.
  • You have enabled the “Send Revenue” checkbox to pass the actual revenue value for your configured event.
  • The Game ID you entered is correct.

Incorrect values will result in loss of event data, as events cannot be fired after the configuration is fixed.