Create ad units and placements

Create and manage ad units and placements from the Placements page of the Unity Ads Monetization dashboard.

New placements page in Unity Ads Monetization dashboard

Setup guidelines

Remember the following guidelines when creating ad units and placements or planning your overall monetization strategy:

  • One ad unit can only be set up for bidding or waterfall, not both.

Placement guidelines

  • For bidding setups, Unity recommends using the default six bidding placements provided automatically in your project for better performance and easier setup. Since bidding placements require no extra configuration, they are a convenient starting point.
  • You can't repurpose waterfall placements for in-app bidding because you need to generate a bidding Placement ID from the Monetization dashboard to link into your mediation partner’s dashboard.
  • The dashboard generates a Placement ID based on your original placement name. While you can rename your placement later, you can’t change Placement ID, so choose the initial name carefully.

Mediation project guidelines

  • New projects using some mediation platforms, namely, Unity LevelPlay and AppLovin MAX, can only create bidding placements. Waterfall placements will automatically be unavailable. Projects with waterfall setups can continue to create and use waterfalls.

Depending on whether you have a bidding or waterfall setup, the setups steps differ slightly, especially during placement setup. For waterfall placements, you need to define geo-targeting, set target eCPMs, and optionally add additional placements, including a backfill placement.

 Bidding placementWaterfall placement
Required fieldsPlacement name
  • Placement name
  • At least 1 geo target
  • At least 1 eCPM target
Optional fieldsNot applicable
  • Additional placements
  • Backfill placement

Creating a new ad unit and placement screen

Bidding setup

Unity recommends using the default six bidding placements provided automatically in your project for better performance and easier setup. Since bidding placements require no extra configuration, they are a convenient starting point.

Important: You can only create one bidding placement per ad unit.

  1. Go to Placements from the navigation menu, then click Add Ad Unit.
  2. In the Ad unit section, do the following to create an ad unit:
    1. Enter the Ad unit name.
    2. Select your app Platform.
    3. Select the Ad format.
    4. Select Bidding as the setup type.
  3. In the Placement section, enter a name for your placement.

    Note: The dashboard generates a Placement ID based on your original placement name. While you can rename your placement later, the Placement ID cannot be changed, so choose the initial name carefully.

  4. Click Add Ad Unit.

If you’re using Unity LevelPlay or another trusted mediation partner like AppLovin MAX, you’ll need to locate the bidding placement you created and copy the associated placement ID. This Unity bidding placement ID is required to map to your partner’s equivalent bidding placement in their dashboard.

Waterfall setup

  1. Go to Placements from the navigation menu, then click Add Ad Unit.
  2. In the Ad unit section, do the following to create an ad unit:
    1. Enter the Ad unit name.
    2. Select your app Platform.
    3. Select the Ad format.
    4. Select Waterfall as the setup type.
  3. In the Placement section, do the following to create a placement:
    1. enter a name for your placement.

    Note: The dashboard generates a Placement ID based on your original placement name. While you can rename your placement later, the Placement ID cannot be changed, so choose the initial name carefully.

    1. Set your geo targeting: select one or more regions, select a pre-made geo collection, or select Global. Refer to Geo targets for more information.
    2. Set your target price for this region.

    Important: Although eCPM targets can help to drive your specified eCPM, implementing these restrictions will limit delivery and potentially impact your overall revenue. Higher targets have a higher risk of decreasing overall revenue by filling less.

    1. Select + Target to add additional geo targets with different prices per placement as desired.
  4. Click + Placement to add more placements if desired, and follow the previous step to complete it.
  5. Select + Backfill placement to add a backfill waterfall placement.

    Note: Backfill waterfall placements are used to display ads when targeted ads aren’t available. This optional setting is recommended because it ensures ads are always shown in your app, maximizing your ad fill rates and revenue.

Create a waterfall ad unit and placement configuration

Geo targets

Use the Geo Target field to select which countries to target. The default setting (Global) includes all countries. It's recommended that you can select from Geo Collection presets, or choose which countries to include manually.

You can have multiple geo targets for a given Placement, but you must specify at least one geo target to create the Placement. Select Add Geo Target to add geo targets with distinct price points.

Note: Placements prioritize geo-specific prices over the global price setting, which is a blended average for all other countries (excluding those with specified targets).

Important: By default, the Global geo-target option sets the CPM for all countries with unspecified price targets and accepts ads at any price if you don’t set a global floor with a desired price target. This can result in impressions with low eCPM being filled. To ensure your app revenue is optimized, set a global floor in addition to a country-specific floor for each geo-target in your project to avoid impressions with low eCPMs.

Bulk manage eCPM targets in a CSV

You can import a CSV file to bulk add or edit eCPM targets. You can download the template from the dashboard help text, or export your existing configuration by selecting Download.

Edit the form by filling out the following columns:

country codeThe two-letter country code for the geo target. Use GLOBAL for the global designation.Exporting your targets to CSV converts any applied Geo Collections into a list of countries when you re-import.
target priceThe eCPM value that you are targeting for the corresponding geos.Prices must use General format (as opposed to Number, Currency, or Accounting format). For more information, refer to the Microsoft documentation on Available number formats in Excel

After you have made your edits, save the document as a CSV file and select Upload to import your changes. You must verify any changes before saving them to the dashboard. If any errors exist in your file, the verification modal will advise you.