在 Unity 中实现横幅广告
![](../images/Implementing banner ads in.png?width=400px)
重要:app-ads.txt 是一个 IAB 倡议文件,旨在打击欺诈,建立透明的广告生态系统。请务必按照要求实现 app-ads.txt。否则,横幅广告需求可能会显著下降。
在脚本标头中,声明包含 Banner
类的 UnityEngine.Advertisements
命名空间。接下来,初始化 SDK,然后使用 Banner.Load
和 Banner.Show
以下示例脚本向您展示了如何在场景中设置按钮以测试此功能。要在 Unity 编辑器中创建按钮,请选择 Game Object(游戏对象)> UI > Button(按钮)。
注意:请仅在 SDK 初始化后加载内容,否则脚本将无法工作。在此示例中,初始化在另一个脚本中处理。
在 C# 中实现横幅广告
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Advertisements;
public class BannerAdExample : MonoBehaviour
// For the purpose of this example, these buttons are for functionality testing:
[SerializeField] Button _loadBannerButton;
[SerializeField] Button _showBannerButton;
[SerializeField] Button _hideBannerButton;
[SerializeField] BannerPosition _bannerPosition = BannerPosition.BOTTOM_CENTER;
[SerializeField] string _androidAdUnitId = "Banner_Android";
[SerializeField] string _iOSAdUnitId = "Banner_iOS";
string _adUnitId = null; // This will remain null for unsupported platforms.
void Start()
// Get the Ad Unit ID for the current platform:
_adUnitId = _iOSAdUnitId;
_adUnitId = _androidAdUnitId;
// Disable the button until an ad is ready to show:
_showBannerButton.interactable = false;
_hideBannerButton.interactable = false;
// Set the banner position:
// Configure the Load Banner button to call the LoadBanner() method when clicked:
_loadBannerButton.interactable = true;
// Implement a method to call when the Load Banner button is clicked:
public void LoadBanner()
// Set up options to notify the SDK of load events:
BannerLoadOptions options = new BannerLoadOptions
loadCallback = OnBannerLoaded,
errorCallback = OnBannerError
// Load the Ad Unit with banner content:
Advertisement.Banner.Load(_adUnitId, options);
// Implement code to execute when the loadCallback event triggers:
void OnBannerLoaded()
Debug.Log("Banner loaded");
// Configure the Show Banner button to call the ShowBannerAd() method when clicked:
// Configure the Hide Banner button to call the HideBannerAd() method when clicked:
// Enable both buttons:
_showBannerButton.interactable = true;
_hideBannerButton.interactable = true;
// Implement code to execute when the load errorCallback event triggers:
void OnBannerError(string message)
Debug.Log($"Banner Error: {message}");
// Optionally execute additional code, such as attempting to load another ad.
// Implement a method to call when the Show Banner button is clicked:
void ShowBannerAd()
// Set up options to notify the SDK of show events:
BannerOptions options = new BannerOptions
clickCallback = OnBannerClicked,
hideCallback = OnBannerHidden,
showCallback = OnBannerShown
// Show the loaded Banner Ad Unit:
Advertisement.Banner.Show(_adUnitId, options);
// Implement a method to call when the Hide Banner button is clicked:
void HideBannerAd()
// Hide the banner:
void OnBannerClicked() { }
void OnBannerShown() { }
void OnBannerHidden() { }
void OnDestroy()
// Clean up the listeners:
默认情况下,横幅广告显示画面锚定在屏幕底部中心位置,支持 320 x 50 或 728 x 90 像素分辨率。要指定横幅广告锚点,请使用 Banner.SetPosition
Advertisement.Banner.SetPosition (BannerPosition.TOP_CENTER);