Introduction to retention bids

A retention campaign goal targets users who are likely to remain in your app for at least seven days after installation. With this type of campaign strategy, the Audience Pinpointer feature uses dynamic pricing based on your base bid price and a user’s expected retention rate so you pay the best price across an entire user base.

For more information on retention campaigns, refer to the Audience Pinpointer documentation.

Base bids and Max bids

When you run a retention-optimized campaign, you set two values for each bid:

Bid valueDescriptionNotes
Base bidThe average cost per install you want to pay for usersA base bid isn’t a minimum bid. Your cost per install for an individual user can be lower or higher than your base bid, depending on the user’s expected retention.
Max bidThe upper limit of what you are willing to pay for users, depending on their expected retentionThe recommended best practice is to set a max bid roughly two or three times higher than your base bid.