Introduction to install events

Install events measure how your ads generate installs. The following events can measure user interactions with your ad campaign:

Install eventDescriptionRequirementNotes
Start (Impression)The number of times a user starts your ad.

The Start link executes right before the ad begins to play.
Required for AppsFlyer campaignsThe recommended best practice is to include a Start link for all campaigns because collecting impression data enables you to compare campaigns.
Completed viewThe number of times a user watches your entire ad.

The Completed View link executes when users watch an ad to completion.
OptionalThis field is hidden in the Unity Ads User Acquisition dashboard by default. If your MMP supports Completed View install events, you can access this option using the Add completed view URL toggle in the attribution link setup.
ClickThe number of times a user clicks the call-to-action button in your ad.

The Click link executes when users click the download button.

To accurately report these events, you must obtain attribution tracking links from a third-party or in-house attribution service. Refer to Track installs with attribution tracking links for step-by-step instructions for setting your attribution links.

Note: The server to server install tracking documentation explains how to get the links you’ll need for this step. If you want to differentiate campaigns according to an iOS device's Limited Ad Tracking (LAT) setting, ensure that you choose an attribution partner that supports LAT.

Attribution links

To accurately report install events, you must obtain attribution tracking links from a third-party or in-house attribution service (also known as a mobile measurement partner or MMP). Refer to Track installs with attribution links for step-by-step instructions for integrating your attribution links in the User Acquisition dashboard.

Note: If you want to differentiate campaigns according to an iOS device's Limited Ad Tracking (LAT) setting, ensure that you choose an attribution partner that supports LAT.

App-level attribution links

If you create more than one campaign for an app, you can set app-level attribution links that apply to all campaigns for that app. By creating app-level links, you can create multiple campaigns without individually entering the tracking URLs for each campaign. You can also edit app-level attribution links to update the links for all associated campaigns. Refer to Track installs with attribution links for step-by-step instructions for creating app-level links.

Important: If you set app-level attribution links, the campaigns associated with that app will inherit the app-level link.

URL formatting requirements

To ensure your attribution works correctly, format your links according to the following requirements:

  • Use HTTPS for the URL and any redirects.
  • Include the {ifa} dynamic custom token in your URL.
  • Do HTTP redirections with HTTP 3XX codes. Don’t use HTML or JavaScript.
  • Don’t redirect URLs to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

When you save the attribution link, the dashboard checks for errors to validate that the URL is syntactically correct.

Adjust Extended Privacy Measurement

Note: This setting is relevant for advertisers that are currently using Adjust’s Extended Privacy Measurement (EPM) for iOS campaigns, or have used EPM in the past. If you’ve never used this feature, you can disregard this setting.

If you use Adjust’s Extended Privacy Measurement (EPM) with your iOS campaign, ensure that you confirm the setting in the User Acquisition dashboard so Unity can choose the optimal conversion model and improve your campaign performance.

Important: As the advertiser, you are responsible for updating the EPM setting to reflect your MMP setup.