Manage ad units and placements

You can manage and update your ad units or placements anytime after creation in several ways:

On the Placements page of the Unity Ads Monetization dashboard, click the ellipses () in the ad unit row of a desired ad unit or placement to edit, switch the setup type, archive an ad unit or placement, or update the ad format settings.

Manage placements and ad units

Edit ad unit and placement settings

After ad unit creation, you can change the ad unit name, placement name, ad format, or setup type from either bidding to waterfall, or waterfall to bidding. Refer to Switch setup type for more information.

Once you create an ad unit for a specific platform (iOS or Android), you can’t change the platform. To create an equivalent ad unit or placement for the other platform, you need to set it up separately.

Switch the ad unit or placement setup type

You can switch the ad unit or placement setup type from bidding to waterfall by selecting Switch to waterfall, or waterfall to bidding by selecting Switch to bidding.

Note: Switching setup types will automatically archive the existing placements within an ad unit. You’ll need to create new placements for the chosen setup type afterward.

Archive an ad unit and placement

Archiving an ad unit automatically archives all placements associated with it.

To select specific placements to delete, expand an ad unit row and individually archive placements. Alternatively, auto-collapse to see all placements created within each ad unit for a more comprehensive view.

From the Archived tab, you can unarchive ad units and placements. You can delete placements if they’ve been archived for over six months, or for over a week with no ad requests.

Update ad format settings

You can also configure advanced options for ad units by updating their ad format settings, which include a wide array of settings that define how a user sees and interacts with an ad in your app. These include things like allowing a user to skip an ad or an end-card on close, and more.

For descriptions of each of the available settings, refer to the Ad format settings reference.