Ad format settings references

The following provides a description of each ad format setting:

Ad unit name: A descriptive identifier by which to recognize the Ad Unit in the dashboard.

Ad format: Here are the various ad format templates:

  • Rewarded: Allow users to opt-in to viewing ads or promotions in exchange for incentives.
  • Interstitial: Show basic interstitial ads or promotional content. Users can skip the ad after a specified period of time.
  • Banner: Create a dedicated banner ad unit.

Status: Enabled ad units can request and display ads, while archived ad units cannot. By default, ad units are enabled.

Ad types: The following list details the various creative formats the Ad Unit can display. Select all that apply.

  • Video ads are full-screen video advertisements.
  • Display ads are full-screen static images.
  • Playable ads are full-screen interactive advertisements.
  • Cross-Promo ads allow publishers to backfill their Ad Units with promotions for their own apps.
  • AR ads offer users a fully immersive and interactive experience, by incorporating digital content directly into their physical world.
  • Banner ads are only available for Banner Ad Units.

Muting: Enable this setting to mute audio by default when video creatives play. By default, ad units are not muted.

Allow skip: Enable this setting to allow users to skip ads after a specified number of seconds. By default, rewarded ads are not skippable. However, you must make rewarded ads skippable if you want to comply with the Apple Kids Category or Google Designed for Families programs.

Tip: You do not have to change ad format settings for each Placement associated with the Ad Unit. Format settings are configured for the Ad Unit and automatically applied to all associated Placements.

The following ad format settings are only internally available to admin members and aren't visible to other user types:

End card close timer duration: Enable this setting to allow users to close the end card after a specified amount of time.

UI fade: Enable this setting to disable the fading UI elements when a video creative plays. The fading applies on the timer, close, and volume buttons so the user is more immersed in the ad.

End card: Enable this setting to allow users to skip the end-card when they close the video ad.

Close instead of skip: Enable this setting to show a close icon instead of a skip icon, allowing users to close the ad to get to the end-card instead of using a fast forward skip button.

These ad format settings can be updated individually per ad unit.