Ad format references

Use Unity Ads to serve a mix of engaging content to your players through Ad Units. Get to know the various content types, and learn how to deploy them in your monetization strategy.

Banner ads appear in a designated screen location and fill to a specified size. Banners remain a consistent source of ad revenue within mobile ad spend. You can implement banner ads through Banner Ad Units or Placements.

Interstitial ads

Interstitial ads, also referred to as Display ads, are the basic full-screen interstitials that persist until the player dismisses them. These are most effectively implemented strategically at natural pauses or breaks, such as a load or level change. You can implement display ads through Rewarded and Interstitial Ad Units.

Playable ads

Playable ads are ad units that enable the player to engage with the ad content through interaction. You can implement playable ads through Rewarded and Interstitial Ad Units.

Rewarded video ads

Video ads are the most common form of advertising. They create opportunities to implement rewarded ads, where players receive incentives for viewing the ad in its entirety. You can implement video ads through Rewarded and Interstitial Ad Units.