Create or update metadata field definitions

How to create, add or update custom metadata field definitions in your organization library.

Read time 3 minutes

You can create, add, or update new metadata field definitions from the Asset Manager interface or from the API. This allows Contributors of your projects to add metadata fields to assets. You can also remove a metadata field definition so it’s not listed anymore.

Before your start

Verify your role. You need to have any one of the following roles:

  • Organization Owner
  • Organization Manager
  • Asset Manager Admin

If you want to create from the Asset Manager web, you need to:

  • be added to an Asset Manager project.
  • have a Contributor role or a higher role.
  • create at least one asset.

Create a custom metadata field definition

To create a custom metadata field definition from the Asset Manager web, follow these steps:

  1. Select an asset. A side panel appears on the left.
  2. On the top right corner, select Edit. You’re now in editing mode.
  3. Go below to the Custom section and select Add Custom Field. The Add metadata window opens.
  4. Select the New metadata tab.
  1. Enter a unique metadata name.
  2. Choose a metadata type from the eight available types.
  3. For Single select and Multi-select metadata types, add the accepted values and press Enter to validate the input.
Choose metadata type
  1. Select Add.

The new metadata field definition is now added to your Organization's asset library and any Contributor can add the custom metadata field to their assets.

Update metadata field definition

You can only update the name of a metadata field definition or the accepted values for Single select or Multi-select field types. To update them, follow these steps:

  1. Select an asset. A side panel appears on the right.
  2. On the top right corner, select Edit. You’re now in editing mode.
  3. Add the metadata field you want to update. The selected field appears under the Custom section.
  4. On the right side of the selected metadata field, open the More (...) menu.
  5. Select Edit field.
  6. Update the name or accepted values for Single-slect and Multi-select metadata types only.