Manage custom metadata for assets

How to create and add custom metadata to your assets for enhanced categorization and discovery.

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You can add custom metadata fields to your asset when you create or edit an asset version. This metadata can be used for filtering assets or for any pipeline integration use cases. You can view them in the side panel while inspecting an asset. Metadata fields help with better categorization, provide filtering options, and help users to add values.

There are three types of metadata:

  • Primary metadata is the default metadata present with assets that you can update.
  • Custom metadata is the one you create.
  • Extracted metadata and System metadata are generated by our system from built-in pipelines or features. These are read-only.

Organization metadata field library

To drive consistency across your content, your organization has a library of metadata field definition that can be added on your assets.

Only the Asset Manager Admin, Owner, and Manager in your Organization can create new metadata field definitions.

Each metadata field consists of the below:

  • The backend name, which serves as an unique identifier.
  • The display name.
  • The type. Read more about types of metadata fields.
  • The list of accepted values for the selection type.

All metadata field definitions are shared across all assets, so updating the accepted values or display name of one metadata field definition, updates all assets that use it.