Installing the iOS 14 support package

If your iOS application is made with Unity, installing the iOS 14 support package provides utilities for Apple's SKAdNetwork and AppTrackingTransparency frameworks by aggregating proper ad network IDs and providing access to relevant Apple developer APIs. It also provides a convenient and customizable context screen, which you can use to encourage users to opt-in to ad tracking on their iOS device.

There are two ways to install the Unity iOS 14 Support package, depending on the version of Unity you use.

If you use Unity version 2018.1 or greater, follow these steps:

  1. In the Unity Editor, select Window > Package Manager to open the Package Manager window.
  2. In the Package Manager window, select the iOS 14 Advertising Support package, then select Install.

If you use any other version of Unity, follow these steps:

  1. Download the iOS 14 Support package repository to your hard drive.
  2. In the Unity Editor, select Window > Package Manager to open the Package Manager window.
  3. Select the + button, then Add package from disk....
  4. Navigate to your local copy of the package repo and select the package JSON (..\\\package.json), then select Open to install the package.

If successful, the iOS 14 Support package will appear in the Package Manager list. For more information, refer to installing packages.

API methods

The package provides access to the following Apple developer APIs:



SkAdNetworkUpdateConversionValue(int conversionValue)

Use this method to update the attribution conversion value.


Use this method to register for attribution.

RequestAuthorizationTracking(RequestAuthorizationTrackingCompleteHandler callback)

Use this method to request the user permission request.

AuthorizationTrackingStatus GetAuthorizationTrackingStatus()

Use this method to check the app tracking transparency (ATT) authorization status.

Generating a properties list file

The information property list (Info.plist) file is a resource that contains key-value pairs to identify and configure iOS apps. You will need it to implement ad network ID and ATT requirements. When you build your Unity project to iOS with the Advertising and iOS 14 Advertising Support packages installed, the process generates a plist file in the build’s root directory.

Next steps: Refer to the documentation on configuring ad network IDs.