Server postback URL requests reference

Converted users who install the advertised game as a result of the campaign are reported by using a postback URL. You can retrieve this reporting with HTTP GET requests.

For iOS, use the following URL:[GAME_ID]/install?advertisingTrackingId=[YOUR_MACRO_FOR_IDFA]

For Android, use the following URL:[GAME_ID]/install?advertisingTrackingId=[YOUR_MACRO_FOR_GOOGLE_AD_ID]

The GAME_ID parameter is your Unity Ads Game ID. You can find this ID by signing in to the Unity Ads User Acquisition dashboard and selecting Campaigns.

Note: For existing users, the legacy domain will continue working in parallel with the new domain. However, we recommend that you migrate to the new domain.

Postback URL parameters

The following identification parameters must be relayed in the Postback URL request:

advertisingTrackingId (iOS)The Identifier for Advertising (IDFA) in uppercase form. This is compulsory for all installs (either raw form or MD5 hashed form).XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
advertisingTrackingIdMD5 (iOS)The Identifier for Advertising (IDFA) in MD5 hashed, lowercase form. This is compulsory for all installs (either raw form or MD5 hashed form).
advertisingTrackingId (Android)The Google Advertising ID in lowercase form. This is compulsory for all installs (either raw form or MD5 hashed form).XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
advertisingTrackingIdMD5 (Android)The Google Advertising ID in MD5 hashed, lowercase form. This is compulsory for all installs (either raw form or MD5 hashed form).
gamerIdThe unique Unity Ads identifier that is mandatory for attributing users that have Limited Ad Tracking (LAT) on, where the value of the advertising identifier is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. If gamerID is not found in this case, a malformed error will appear, with response code 400: Malformed or missing input data.58c116080dbe250047a2a398
installTimeEpochInstall time in seconds since epoch. This is mandatory for certain campaign types.1615973128
rawAndroidIdThe Android ID in its original lowercase form.This is not recommended because it is not required if the Android device has correctly integrated Google Play Services and has Google Play installed. It is, however, compulsory for all Android installs that don't have a Google Advertising ID.
androidIdThe Android ID in MD5 hashed form.This is not recommended because it is not required if the Android device has correctly integrated Google Play Services and has Google Play installed. It is, however, compulsory for all Android installs that don't have a Google Advertising ID.
attributedA flag indicating whether this install is attributed to Unity Ads and can be charged. The default value (attributed=1) indicates that the condition is true. If the condition is false (attributed=0), the install will only be marked to the player, and will not be charged.
  • attributed=1
  • attributed=0
Only use this parameter if you send event data for all installs, as opposed to only sending installs attributed to Unity.

Postback URL response format

If the message was successfully received, the Unity Ads install tracking server responds with a 200 OK status code without a response body.

If the message cannot be processed, the server responds with a 4XX/5XX status code, and any available errors appear in the response body in JSON format.

Note: The status code does not indicate if this postback call was actually recorded as a chargeable install. It only states that the message was successfully received and processed.