Dimensions panel dimensions reference

Refer to the following table for the dimensions available in the Report Builder DIMENSIONS panel.

TimeThe time period to display data.
Bidding StrategyThe type of bidding strategy (Manual or Automated) used in the campaign.
Campaign Billing TypeThe campaign billing type can either be CPI (cost per install) for Android campaigns or CPM (cost per impression) for iOS campaigns.
Campaign TypeThe type or goal of the campaign can be CPI (installs), ROAS (return on ad spend), or Retention.
Campaign IDThe unique identifier of individual campaigns.
Campaign NameThe names of included campaigns.
Campaign Set ID
The unique numerical identifier of the app and platform.
Campaign Set Name
The name of the app and platform.
Connection TypeThe connection to the internet (WIFI or Cellular).
Child AudienceIndicates whether the source app’s target audience is under 13 years old in the United States in accordance with COPPA compliance.
CountryThe user’s country.Unity's Report Builder defines the Country dimension at the moment of impression.
Creative Pack IDThe unique identifier of the creative pack.
Creative Pack NameThe name of the creative pack.
Creative TypeCreatives can be:
  • Video with a static end card
  • Playable
  • Video with a playable end card
Device LanguageThe end-user's device's language settings.
Device ManufacturerThe end-user's device's manufacturer.
Device OrientationThe end-user's device's screen orientation can be portrait or landscape.
Device TypeThe end-user's device.Data for Android devices is available from March 7, 2022, onward.
Limited Ad Tracking (iOS)You can enable or disable the end-user's device Limited Ad Tracking (LAT) setting.
Organization IDUnique identifier of the account's Organization.
OS VersionThe end-user device’s operating system version.
PlatformThe end-user’s platform can be Android or iOS.
ROAS typeThe type of ROAS (return on ad spend) campaign:
  • Ad revenue
  • In-app purchases (IAP)
  • Hybrid (both Ad rev and IAP)
Use this dimension in tandem with the Campaign goal - ROAS dimension to filter out possible null values.
Some results might be hidden because of privacy compliance. The report displays these results as Hidden (privacy compliance).
Screen density (Android)The number of pixels appearing within a constant area of the display.Refer to the Android pixel size documentation for more information.
Screen Size (Android)The amount of physical space available for displaying an interface.Refer to the Android screen size documentation for more information.
SKAN Conversion ValueA single number between 0 and 63.After your app is installed, the SKAN Conversion Value is sent in the SKAdNetwork postback sent to the advertising network responsible for the app install or app reinstall.
SKAN EnabledTrue for devices that support Apple's SKAdNetwork.This field gives you better visibility into SKAdNetwork traffic.
SKAN PostbacksThe number of winning and non-winning postbacks from Apple's SKAdNetwork.
Source App IDThe alpha-numeric identifier of the publisher app that displayed your ad.
Source Bids EnabledIndicates whether the source bidding feature is enabled.Refer to the Source bidding documentation for more information.
Source App CategoryThe app store category of the publisher app that displayed your ad.
Advertiser Game CategoryThe app store category of the game or app being advertised.
Advertiser Game IDThe unique identifier of the advertised app.
Advertiser Game NameThe advertised app's name.
Advertiser Store IDThe identifier of the app listing on the Google Play or Apple App store.
Video LengthThe duration of the creativeVideo Length data is available from September 1, 2022, onward.
Video OrientationThe screen orientation of the creative (portrait or landscape).