Regional targeting

To granularly target or exclude specific states within a country included in your campaign, use Regional targeting.


To use Regional targeting, you first need to create bids or source bids for specific countries. The countries with bids will then be available in the Regional targeting setup.

Configure Regional targeting

Complete the following steps to configure Regional targeting in the Unity Ads User Acquisition dashboard:

  1. Select your desired app and campaign.
  2. In the Campaign setup page, scroll down to Other settings > Regional targeting.
  3. In the Regional targeting section, select All states next to any country you’d like to granularly target.
  4. In the state search dialog, enable the checkbox next to any states/regions you want to include in your campaign. Alternatively, you can do the following:
    • Disable the checkbox for any states/regions you want to exclude from your campaign.
    • Use Select all to enable or disable all regions within a country at once.
  5. Select Save to keep your changes.