Use the Unity Ads SDK to pass post-install events

If you use Unity Ads to advertise or monetize with ad revenue, Unity recommends passing post-install events through the latest Unity Ads SDK.


To enable an Audience Pinpointer campaign integration with the Unity Ads SDK, ensure that your iOS game uses Unity Ads version 3.7.1 or above. To stay current, you should always use the latest version of the SDK.

Important: Initialize the Unity Ads SDK early in the runtime lifecycle, preferably at app start, to prevent errors.

Enable Acquire Optimization

To allow Unity to collect iOS session data from the Unity Ads SDK, you must enable the Acquire Optimization setting in the Unity Ads Monetization dashboard. This allows Unity to better define the value of new users in your app, and determine the value of similar users from other apps in the ad network.

To enable this setting from the Monetization dashboard:

  1. From the secondary navigation menu, select Project Overview > Settings.
  2. Scroll to the Acquire Optimization section and enable the setting for the Apple App Store.

Note: To enable this setting, your project must have the Unity Ads SDK installed, and an active User Acquisition campaign.

Add an app-specific shared key

Include an app-specific shared secret key for apps on the Apple App Store so Unity can verify subscription purchases. To locate your app-specific Apple App Store secret key, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your Apple developer account.

  2. In the Program resources section, select App Store Connect > Apps.

  3. Select the app that needs a shared secret key. If you don’t have an app, select the + (plus symbol) to create an app.

  4. In the left navigation panel, select Features > Subscriptions.

  5. Select App-specific Shared Secret > Manage from the Subscription Groups section to open the shared key dialog.

  6. Select Generate to display the key, and then copy the key.

  7. Select Done.

    Note: If you are generating a new key, select Regenerate next to the previous key-generation date.

  8. In the Monetization dashboard, go to the Acquire Optimization settings.

  9. Enter the key you copied from your Apple developer account in the App-specific Shared Secret field for the Apple App Store.

Note: Acquire optimization is automatically disabled if your app-level age designation is set to This app targets users under 13 years of age, or if you enable one or more app store compliance settings for your project.