Virtual shops

Virtual shops are a key feature in most free-to-play games. They allow players to purchase items and exchange resources within the game environment to facilitate the in-game economy. When properly implemented as part of your core game loop, they can drive engagement and provide opportunities for players to express their unique play styles.


To use this sample use case, you must download and install the UGS Use Cases project in your Unity project.


To see this use case in action:

  1. In the Unity Editor Project window, select Assets > Use Case Samples > Virtual Shops, and then double-click VirtualShopsSample.unity to open the sample scene.
  2. Enter Play mode to interact with the use case.

At startup, this scene reads the Remote Config for the Virtual Shops use case sample as well as all required Virtual Purchases. It sets up sprites for all Currency and Inventory Items for use in the Shops display, initializes the Currency HUD with correct values and presents the first Category's Virtual Purchases to the player for purchase.


When the scene loads, the VirtualShopsSceneManager.cs script performs the following initialization tasks:

  1. Initializes Unity Gaming Services.

  2. Signs in the player anonymously using the Authentication service. If you’ve previously initialized any of the other sample scenes, Authentication will use your cached Player ID instead of creating a new one.

  3. Retrieves and updates the player's currency balances from the Economy service.

  4. Queries the Remote Config service to fetch the Virtual Shops configuration data. This includes:

    1. Currency and inventory item sprites from the Addressables service so they can be displayed in the shop UI.
    2. Virtual Purchase Transactions for use in the store. The Remote Config data determines which categories to put each transaction in, and which icons to use.
  5. The client updates the shop UI based on the Remote Config data.


Inventory button

The inventory button in the top-right corner opens a pop-up showing all currently-owned inventory items. Use it to confirm that purchased items were added to your inventory appropriately. Note that inventory items appear in random order, so new purchases may appear in the middle of the list.

Gain currency debug button

The +30 Coins button in the top-right corner adds currency for testing purposes.

Virtual Purchases

The shop interface shows the items for sale, along with their respective costs. Click any item to attempt a Virtual Purchase through the Economy service. A pop-up appears to confirm if the purchase succeeded or failed.

Note: Most games will disable buttons for purchases the user cannot afford. However, this sample allows you to attempt all purchases regardless, to facilitate testing how the Economy service verifies Virtual Purchases.

Category buttons

You can change purchase categories by clicking the tabs to the left of the purchase grid. Choose between Currencies, Items, and IAP to display the corresponding list of purchases as specified by the Remote Config JSON.

Note: The IAP category is currently unavailable for this sample.

Back button

Pressing the back button in the top-left corner returns you to the Start Here scene.



To replicate this use case, you need the following Unity packages in your project:

AddressablesAllows developers to ask for an asset via its address. Wherever the asset resides (local or remote), the system will locate it and its dependencies, then return it.
AnalyticsSends events that allow you to track a player's in-game interactions, retention, and other information that you can use to analyze and improve the game experience.
AuthenticationAutomatically signs in the user anonymously to keep track of their data on the server side.
DeploymentProvides a cohesive interface to deploy assets for Cloud Services.
EconomyKeeps track of the player's currencies and inventory items, as well as definitions for all currencies, inventory items and Virtual Purchase transactions. Currencies and inventory items all include Custom data to identify which icon sprites to use in the shops.
Remote ConfigProvides key-value pairs where the value that is mapped to a given key can be changed on the server-side, either manually or based on specific Game Overrides. The SHOPS_CONFIG entry stores all details for Virtual Purchase transactions to be available in each Category.

To use these services in your game, activate each service for your Organization and project in the Unity Cloud Dashboard.

Unity Cloud services configuration

To replicate this sample scene's setup in your own Unity project, configure the following items:

  • Economy items
  • Remote Config values

To configure these items you can use the Deployment package, or manually enter them using the Unity Cloud Dashboard. The recommended best practice is to use the Deployment package as it greatly accelerates this process.

Using the Deployment package

To deploy configurations using the Deployment package:

  1. Open the Deployment window.
  2. Check in Common and Virtual Shop.
  3. Click Deploy Selection.

This deploys all the necessary items.

Using the Unity Cloud Dashboard

You can use the Unity Cloud Dashboard to manually configure your services by project and environment. Refer to the following sections to configure this sample.


Configure the following resources in the Unity Cloud Dashboard:

Resource typeResource itemIDCustom data *Description
	"spriteAddress": "Sprites/Currency/Coin"
A currency you can spend and purchase in virtual shops.
	"spriteAddress": "Sprites/Currency/Gem"
A currency you can spend in virtual shops.
	"spriteAddress": "Sprites/Currency/Pearl"
A currency you can purchase in virtual shops.
	"spriteAddress": "Sprites/Currency/Star"
A currency you can purchase in virtual shops.
Inventory ItemSwordSWORD
	"spriteAddress": "Sprites/Currency/Sword"
An item you can purchase in virtual shops.
Inventory ItemShieldSHIELD
	"spriteAddress": "Sprites/Currency/Shield"
An item you can purchase in virtual shops.

* This sample uses Addressable Assets to implement the sprite icons for all Economy resources. As the developer, you can add the Addressables address of the icon for each currency directly in the Economy dashboard, and then retrieve it at runtime without needing to change your code. This is helpful if for example, you want to update currency icons by changing the address in your dashboard instead of updating your app. To do this for each resource:

  1. Select the currency you want to edit.
  2. Under Custom data, click the plus (+) icon to add a custom JSON script.
  3. Add the spriteAddress value, along with the corresponding Addressable address string listed in the table.

When the client needs to initialize sprites (for example, to display the costs and rewards for each virtual purchase for sale in the shop), the resource’s ID acts as a dictionary key to quickly find the associated spirit. The client calls the AddressablesManager.cs script’s PreloadAllEconomySprites() method at startup to initialize the dictionary with all icon sprites, and the preloadedSpritesByEconomyId dictionary is used to look up Economy IDs to find the associated sprite to use in the shop display.

In addition, configure the following virtual purchases for the shops:

Item nameIDThis purchase buysThis purchase costs
1 Sword for Coins1_SWORD_FOR_COINSSword (1)Coins (15)
2 Sword for Coins2_SWORD_FOR_COINSSword (2)Coins (25)
3 Sword for Coins3_SWORD_FOR_COINSSword (3)Coins (30)
1 Shield for Coins1_SHIELD_FOR_COINSShield (1)Coins (10)
2 Shield for Coins2_SHIELD_FOR_COINSShield (2)Coins (15)
3 Shield for Coins3_SHIELD_FOR_COINSShield (3)Coins (20)
100 Coin for Gems100_COIN_FOR_GEMSCoin (100)Gem (7)
250 Coin for Gems250_COIN_FOR_GEMSCoin (250)Gem (15)
1000 Coin for Gems1000_COIN_FOR_GEMSCoin (1000)Gem (25)
1 Star for Coins1_STAR_FOR_COINSStar (1)Coin (25)
3 Pearl for Coins3_PEARL_FOR_COINSPearl (3)Coin (50)

Remote Config

Set up the following config values in the Unity Cloud Dashboard:

SHOP_CONFIGJSONContains information about Virtual Purchases and where they should appear in the shops.See the below JSON code snippet.


	"categories": [{
    	"id": "Items",
        "enabledFlag": true,
        "items": [{
        	"id": "1_SWORD_FOR_COINS"
        }, {
        	"id": "2_SWORD_FOR_COINS",
            "color": "#FFFFFFFF",
            "badgeIconAddress": ""
        }, {
        	"id": "3_SWORD_FOR_COINS",
            "color": "#FFFFFFFF",
            "badgeIconAddress": ""
        }, {
        	"id": "1_SHIELD_FOR_COINS",
            "color": "#FFFFFFFF",
            "badgeIconAddress": ""
        }, {
        	"id": "2_SHIELD_FOR_COINS",
            "color": "#FFFFFFFF",
            "badgeIconAddress": ""
        }, {
        	"id": "3_SHIELD_FOR_COINS",
            "color": "#FFFFFFFF",
            "badgeIconAddress": "Sprites/Badges/Banner",
            "badgeColor": "#FF0000FF",
            "badgeText": "Best Value",
            "badgeTextColor": "#FFFFFFFF"
	}, {
    	"id": "Currencies",
        "enabledFlag": true,
        "items": [{
        	"id": "100_COIN_FOR_GEMS",
            "color": "#FFFFFFFF",
            "badgeIconAddress": ""
		}, {
        	"id": "250_COIN_FOR_GEMS",
            "color": "#FFFFFFFF",
            "badgeIconAddress": ""
        }, {
        	"id": "1000_COIN_FOR_GEMS",
            "color": "#FFFFFFFF",
            "badgeIconAddress": "Sprites/Badges/Banner",
            "badgeColor": "#FF0000FF",
            "badgeText": "Best Value",
            "badgeTextColor": "#FFFFFFFF"
        }, {
        	"id": "1_STAR_FOR_COINS",
            "color": "#FFFFFFFF",
            "badgeIconAddress": ""
        }, {
        	"id": "3_PEARL_FOR_COINS",
            "color": "#FFFFFFFF",
            "badgeIconAddress": ""
	}, {
    	"id": "IAP",
        "enabledFlag": false,
        "items": []