Download and install the project

To download and explore the Unity sample project:

  1. Download the zipped project file from the repository.
  2. Extract the zipped project files to a location of your choosing.
  3. Open the Unity Hub.
  4. In the Unity Hub, with the Projects tab selected, click ADD to manually add a project.
  5. Select the extracted project folder in the file explorer, then click Select Folder.
  6. The UGS sample project will appear in your projects list. Open it as you would any other Unity project.

Note: This project was tested with Unity 2020.3 for PC and Mac.

Interact with the sample scenes

From the samples menu

To explore all the available use cases with the project open:

  1. In the Unity Editor, in the Project window, select the Assets folder.
  2. Double-click the Start Here.unity file to open the samples menu scene.
  3. Press Play to enter Play mode and interact with the samples selection menu.

From a specific use case scene

To explore a specific use case with the project open:

  1. In the Unity Editor, in the Project window, select Assets > Use Case Samples.
  2. Select the folder for the use case you want to examine.
  3. Double-click the .unity file in the use case folder to open that use case's scene.