
Incidents are player reports of other players breaking the rules of your online community or otherwise committing offensive behavior (committing an offense). Each incident has a unique ID, a timestamp, an offense type, a reporter, an offender, an assignee, and a status. Organization Owners and Users can evaluate and take action in response to incidents.

Organization Owners and Users can view, evaluate, and respond to all moderation reports from the Incident reports dashboard. To access the incident reports from the Unity Dashboard, go to Moderation > Incident reports.

The Incident dashboard separates incidents into two groups based on their status:

  • Unresolved incidents
  • Resolved incidents

When resolving an incident, users can choose to:

  • Perform an action against the offender.
  • Perform an action against the reporter.
  • Perform an action against both the offender and the reporter.
  • Take no action.

Note: Organization Owners and Users can apply different actions (and durations) to the offender and the reporter. They do not need to be the same.

Each incident report, whether it’s unresolved or resolved, has the following information:

  • ID: The unique identifier of the incident.
  • Timestamp: The time and date at which a player reported the incident.
  • Offense type: The type of offense the incident reports. Refer to Offenses for a list of offense types.
  • Reporter: The player who reported the incident.
  • Offender: The player who committed the offense.
  • Assignee: The Organization User assigned to the incident.
  • Status: The status of the incident (pending, in progress, or resolved).

Tip: You can control the number of incidents displayed per page by changing the Rows per page setting.

Dashboard UI showing where to set the rows shown per page.