Quick reference

Below is a quick reference for the methods available in the SDK. For a more detailed look, see the documentation for the individual namespaces.


The methods in the Configuration namespace allow you to retrieve items from the global economy configuration.

For more details on these methods, see SDK configuration.

The methods available are:


public async Task<List<ConfigurationItemDefinition>> SyncConfigurationAsync();
public List<CurrencyDefinition> GetCurrencies()
public CurrencyDefinition GetCurrency(string id)
public List<InventoryItemDefinition> GetInventoryItems()
public InventoryItemDefinition GetInventoryItem(string id)
public List<VirtualPurchaseDefinition> GetVirtualPurchases()
public VirtualPurchaseDefinition GetVirtualPurchase(string id)
public List<RealMoneyPurchaseDefinition> GetRealMoneyPurchases()
public RealMoneyPurchaseDefinition GetRealMoneyPurchase(string id)

Player balances

The methods in the PlayerBalances namespace allow you to retrieve and update the user's currency balances. These methods return the balances for the currently signed in player from the Authentication SDK.

For more details on these methods, see Player balances.

The methods available are:


public async Task<GetBalanceResponse> GetBalancesAsync(GetBalancesOptions options = null)
public async Task<PlayerBalanceDefinition> SetBalanceAsync(string currencyId, int balance, SetBalanceOptions options = null)
public async Task<PlayerBalanceDefinition> IncrementBalanceAsync(string currencyId, int amount, IncrementBalanceOptions options = null)
public async Task<PlayerBalanceDefinition> DecrementBalanceAsync(string currencyId, int amount, DecrementBalanceOptions options = null)

Player inventory

The methods in the PlayerInventory namespace allow you to retrieve and update the player's inventory instances. These methods return inventory data for the currently signed in player from the Authentication SDK.

For more details on these methods, see Player inventories.

The methods available are:


public async Task<GetInventoryResult> GetInventoryAsync(GetInventoryOptions options = null)
public async Task<PlayerInventoryInstance> AddInventoryItemAsync(string inventoryItemId, AddInventoryItemOptions options = null)
public async Task<PlayerInventoryInstance> UpdateInventoryInstanceAsync(string playersInventoryItemId, Dictionary<string, object> instanceData, UpdatePlayersInventoryItemOptions options = null)
public async Task DeleteInventoryInstanceAsync(string playersInventoryItemId, DeletePlayersInventoryItemOptions options = null)


The methods in the Purchases namespace allow you to make virtual purchases and redeem real money purchases for the player. These methods make purchases for the player currently signed in with the Authentication SDK.

For more details on these methods, see Purchases.

The methods available are:


public async Task<MakeVirtualPurchaseResult> MakeVirtualPurchaseAsync(string virtualPurchaseId, MakeVirtualPurchaseOptions options = null)
public async Task<RedeemAppleAppStorePurchaseResult> RedeemAppleAppStorePurchaseAsync(RedeemAppleAppStorePurchaseArgs args)
public async Task<RedeemGooglePlayPurchaseResult> RedeemGooglePlayPurchaseAsync(RedeemGooglePlayStorePurchaseArgs args)