
Economy exception

An EconomyException is thrown when there is a problem with one of the operations in the SDK. These exceptions should be handled by calling code. The methods that can throw these exceptions are clearly marked in the method documentation.

The EconomyException has the following field in addition to those normally provided by C# Exception:

  • Reason: An EconomyExceptionReason is an enum value that describes what category of issue occurred. This is provided to allow a code-friendly way of detecting and handling the different types of errors that can be thrown.

Inspect the Message field on an EconomyException for a human-readable description of the error that was thrown.

There are method-specific exceptions that may also be thrown by the Economy SDK. These are specified in the method documentation.

Economy validation exception

EconomyValidationException inherits from EconomyException and is thrown when there is a validation error in the SDK, for example, if you try to set an ID with an invalid character. EconomyValidationException gives more insight into the validation issues that come up after reaching the service.

It contains one extra field:

Economy validation error detail

An EconomyValidationErrorDetail represents a single error returned from the API's Validation Error Response.

It contains two fields:

  • Field: The field in the data that caused the error. This is a string.
  • Messages: Messages that describe the errors. This is a list of strings.

Economy rate limited exception

EconomyRateLimitedException inherits from EconomyException and is thrown when the number of requests has exceeded the rate limit.

It contains one extra field:

  • RetryAfter: The number of seconds until the client is no longer rate limited. This is an int.