Unity Mediation to Unity LevelPlay migration guide

There are a couple of resources for you to use to migrate from Unity Mediation to Unity LevelPlay:

  1. The migration processes outlined in this guide.
  2. The steps presented in this YouTube video tutorial.

You can migrate the following from Unity Mediation to Unity LevelPlay:

  1. Your Waterfalls from the Unity Ads Monetization dashboard to the LevelPlay dashboard.
  2. Your code from the Unity Mediation Advertisement with Mediation package, to the Unity LevelPlay Ads Mediation package.

Important: The recommended best practice is to follow both processes for a complete mediation migration of your setup to Unity LevelPlay.

Waterfall migration

Migrate your Waterfalls to the LevelPlay dashboard.

Note: Unity Mediation and LevelPlay refer to the same features by different names. For a direct comparison, refer to the migration glossary in the ironSource Knowledge Center.


You need an ironSource account.

Note: ironSource account creation includes an approval process. The final verification step might ask for your financial institution details; you only need to give these if you plan to use IronSource as an ad network in LevelPlay.

For more information, refer to the ironSource help article on Account pending approval.

Migration process

Attention: Before switching mediation partners on the Unity Monetization dashboard, the recommended best practice is to review your Waterfalls on the LevelPlay dashboard. After you switch mediation partners, you will lose access to Unity Mediation-specific pages, but ads will continue serving users on older versions of your app. For more information, refer to Review your Waterfalls before switching mediation partners.

To access the dashboard Migration Guide and migrate your Unity-mediated projects to Unity LevelPlay, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Monetization dashboard, select a project-level page > Start migration.

  2. Complete the steps from the Migration Guide to migrate your Waterfalls.

    Important: Changes made to your Waterfalls while the migration is in progress will not update on the LevelPlay dashboard.

Next steps: After the Waterfall migration is complete, refer to Verify your instances and values in LevelPlay.

Review your Waterfalls before switching mediation partners

You can still access your Waterfalls after completing the migration until you switch mediation partners. After you switch mediation partners, you will lose access to Unity Mediation-specific pages, but ads will continue serving users on older versions of your app.

You can download the current configuration of a Waterfall for review:

  1. From the Monetization dashboard, select Waterfalls.
  2. Select a Waterfall.
  3. Select CSV Tools > Download Waterfall Configuration.

Download Waterfall Configuration

Verify your instances and values in LevelPlay

Note: Line items in Unity Mediation are called instances in LevelPlay. Refer to the migration glossary in the ironSource Knowledge Center for more comparisons.

Network instances in LevelPlay

LevelPlay does not support some ad networks for instance creation, which means that some Unity Mediation line items might not appear on the LevelPlay dashboard based on your ironSource account setup. The following instances might not appear in LevelPlay after migration:

  1. Unity Bidding
  2. AdColony eCPM
  3. AdMob eCPM
  4. ironSource eCPM
  5. Liftoff Monetize eCPM

To learn more about network instances, refer to ironSource instances in the ironSource Knowledge Center.

Replace placeholder values

Unity Mediation and Unity Levelplay do not require the same line item and instance creation values. To migrate your line items from Unity Mediation, there are temporary placeholder values set for some instances that need updating once the migration is complete.

For example, the following image shows configurations for an AdColony instance on LevelPlay. The SDK key has a placeholder value because Unity Mediation does not require the same value for line item creation. After the migration process, you need to update the placeholder value for the instance to become valid.

Replace placeholder value for instance

The following instances contain a placeholder value that you need to update once the migration is complete:

  1. AppLovin eCPM (non-bidding)
  2. Meta bidding
  3. Liftoff Monetize bidding

For more information, refer to Set up additional instances (optional) in the ironSource Knowledge Center.

Code migration

Note: This migration tool supports IronSource SDK 7.2.3 to 7.3.0.

To migrate from the Unity Mediation Advertisement with Mediation package to the Unity LevelPlay Ads Mediation package, complete the following:

Install the Ads Mediation package

  1. Open your project in the Unity Editor and go to Window > Package Manager.
  2. Select Packages > Unity Registry.
  3. Select Ads Mediation from the list of packages, and then select the most recent verified version.
  4. Select Install.

If the LevelPlay package does not extract automatically, it could be due to existing script errors in the project. To extract the .unitypackage file manually, in the Project window, select Packages > Ads Mediation > LevelPlay > Editor > IronSource_IntegrationManager.

Note: If prompted, import the Mobile Dependency Resolver. This is because projects made with Unity require a dependency resolver to resolve platform-specific dependencies.

Remove the Advertisement with Mediation package

  1. Open your project in the Unity Editor and go to Window > Package Manager.
  2. Select Packages > In Project.
  3. Select Advertisement with Mediation > Remove.
  4. In the Project window, select Assets > Editor.
  5. Right-click to delete the MediationAdapterDependencies XML file.

Note: If installed, delete the Mobile Dependency Resolver from Assets.

Import the migration tool

  1. Download the Unity Mediation to Unity LevelPlay SDK Migration Tool
  2. Extract the archive file.

    Note: You might need a file archiver tool to extract the file.

  3. In the Unity Editor, open the project where you want to import the asset package.
  4. Select Assets > Import Package > Custom Package.
  5. Select UnityMediationToUnityLevelPlaySDKMigrationTool.unitypackage > Open - Result: The Import Unity Package window displays the selected items that are ready for installation.
  6. Deselect the items you do not want to import and select Import.

    Note: For more information, refer to Importing local assets packages.

Next steps: For more information, refer to Migrate to Unity LevelPlay from Unity Mediation in the ironSource Knowledge Center.

Initialize the SDK

Important: If you encounter an error stating that the dependency Unity.Services.Core is missing, remove all references to that assembly and UnityServices.InitalizeAsync(), because this error indicates that Unity Mediation was the only package using the core services package.

  1. Locate UnityServices.InitalizeAsync()
  2. Add the LevelPlay initialization IronSource.Agent.init(appKey)

You can now run and modify your app for testing purposes as necessary.

Migrate your code

  1. Using the obsolete warning messages in the Unity console as a guide, replace your Unity Mediation integration code with the appropriate LevelPlay API calls.
  2. Remove the migration tool folder UnityMediationToUnityLevelPlaySDKMigrationTool.unitypackage from your project.

To learn more about Unity LevelPlay, refer to the Unity LevelPlay documentation in the ironSource Knowledge Center.