Get started with Unity Ads in-app bidding in Google (AdMob and Ad Manager)
Important: Unity Ads bidding in Google is now in Open Beta for all supported ad formats: interstitial, rewarded, banner, and MREC. The features and documentation might change between now and the next release.
To get started using Unity in-app bidding with Google mediation, with either AdMob or Ad Manager, complete the following steps to connect Google and Unity Ads Monetization dashboard:
- Complete the prerequisites: Verify SDK compatibility and set up your app in the Monetization dashboard.
- Create a new ad unit and set up a bidding placement for your app in the Monetization dashboard.
- Configure the Unity Ads network in Google by enabling SDK Bidding and Secure signal sharing.
- Map the bidding placements from the Monetization dashboard to the Google dashboard.
To use Google (AdMob or Ad Manager) as a bidding partner with Unity Ads, complete the following prerequisites:
- Install the latest version of the Unity Ads SDK.
- Install the Google Mediation SDK with the Unity Ads adapter.
- Set Google (AdMob or Ad Manager) as the Mediation Partner for your project in the Monetization dashboard.
Minimum compatible SDK and adapter versions
The recommended best practice is to use the latest Unity Ads SDK for all publishers to ensure optimal performance.
The minimum compatible SDK and adapter versions required to use in-app bidding with Google for all platform developers are the following:
Unity Ads SDK version: 4.11.3+
Google Mobile Ads SDK versions:
- iOS: 11.5.0+
- Android: 23.0.0+
Google Unity Ads adapter:
- iOS:
- Android:
Note: Both iOS and Android adapters share the same underlying SDK, with minor version differences.
Install the Unity Ads SDK
To implement Google mediation (AdMob or Ad Manager), you first need to install and initialize the latest version of the Unity Ads SDK, then set up the code base for your app.
For more information on installing, initializing, and implementing different ad types using the Unity Ads SDK for a specific developer platform, refer to the Unity Ads integration guides for Android developers, iOS developers, and Unity developers.
Install the Google Mobile Ads SDK with the Unity Ads adapter
To use Google as a mediator for in-app bidding with the Unity Ads network, you’ll need to download the Google Mobile Ads SDK and integrate the Unity Ads adapter into your app. The method depends on which developer platform you use for your app, and the level of customization and control you want over the integration process.
For more information, refer to the Google preparing mediated networks development guides for AdMob or Ad Manager, per platform:
Set Google (Admob/Ad Manager) as your mediation partner in the Monetization dashboard
To enable Google mediation in the Monetization dashboard for your project, set Google (AdMob/Ad Manager) as your mediation partner by doing the following in the Monetization dashboard:
For current projects:
- Go to your project, then Settings.
- Edit the Mediation Partner section and select Google (AdMob/Ad Manager) as your mediation partner.
- Click Save.
For new projects:
- Create a new project, then enter the required information to complete the setup and access the Monetization dashboard.
- Click Enable Ads from the navigation menu.
- Select I use mediation as your mediation solution, then Google (AdMob/Ad Manager) as your mediation partner.
- Click Next and complete the configurations for your project information, placement set up, and Store ID, then click Add Project.
Create a new ad unit and bidding placement in the Monetization dashboard
The first step to use in-app bidding with Google mediation in the Unity Ads SDK requires you to create a new ad unit and a bidding placement in the Monetization dashboard. You’ll use this new bidding placement from the Monetization dashboard to create your mapped bidding placements on the Google (AdMob or Ad Manager) dashboard. Follow the bidding setup steps to create a new ad unit and a bidding placement in the Monetization dashboard.
Note: The Unity Ads network should be set up only for bidding or waterfall, not both simultaneously. If both bidding and waterfall placements are created, bidding placements take precedence over waterfall placements by default for ad fill requests. You can't repurpose waterfall placements for in-app bidding because you need to generate a bidding Placement ID from the Monetization dashboard.
Important: Remember to locate the bidding placement you created and copy the associated bidding placement ID. You'll need this Unity bidding Placement ID to map to the Google bidding placement in the Admob or Ad Manager dashboard.
Configure the Unity Ads network for SDK Bidding in Google
Google SDK Bidding requires setting up the Unity Ads network once per account to enable Secure signal sharing and Placement mapping.
Unity requires both these features to be enabled and will not bid without them.
Note: To ensure Unity returns bids, keep data processing enabled in U.S. states under the Privacy and Messaging settings. Unity complies with state legal regulations, refer to the Unity Privacy documentation for details.
For guidance on setting up SDK bidding with Google, refer to Google’s documentation on verifying your SDK bidding setup.
Map your ad units in the Google dashboard
The next step to use in-app bidding with Google mediation in Unity Ads requires you to connect your Google AdMob or Ad Manager ad units to Unity’s Placement ID in the Monetization Dashboard.
For instructions on how to create new ad units in the Google (Admob or Ad Manager) Dashboard refer to Google’s Integrate Unity Ads with Mediation documentation. For help mapping them to Unity, refer to Google’s Ad unity mapping for SDK Bidding documentation.
Considerations for mapping ad units
To connect your placements, you must enter a bidding Placement ID from the Monetization dashboard in the bidding Placement ID field in the Google dashboard. Ensure you’re entering a bidding Placement ID from Unity, not a waterfall Placement ID, or your setup will fail.
Unity does not support hybrid auctions where bidding and waterfall are used in the same user session. A/B tests should split user sessions into 100% waterfall vs. 100% bidding or adopt 100% bidding from the start.