Advanced Report

Unity Ads provides reporting tools for analyzing your monetization metrics. With Advanced Report, you can download data directly with a customized date range and filter selection to set up automated email reports for your Organization.

Advanced Report dashboard

To build a report:

Note: Refer to Analytics Metrics, Segments, and Terminology for definitions of the metrics included in the following list.

  1. From the Unity Ads Monetization dashboard, select Reporting > Advanced Report in the secondary navigation menu.

  2. Select Build Report.

  3. Select from the following:

    • Filters: Date range, Projects, and Platform.
    • Desired breakdowns: Project, Ad Format, Placement, Game ID/App ID, Country, Placement Type, Platform, Ad Unit, and SDK version.
    • Desired Metrics: Estimated Ads Revenue, eCPM, average revenue per daily active user, Requests, Fill Rate, impressions per daily active users, Impressions, and daily active users.

      Note: ARPDAU, IMPDAU, and DAU are only available for projects using Unity Analytics.

    • Data dates: Total, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Hourly breakdown.
    • Email setup: Receive saved reports automatically.

      Note: Enter the comma-separated email addresses of the recipients to receive the reports.

  4. Select Download CSV to export the data, or Save new report to name and save the report.

    Build report filter