Contextual data extensions

Unity offers additional metric signals on the app or user providing the impression to help fine-tune your bidding strategies. Contact your account manager to activate the following data sets:

AttributeData typeExampleDescription
mediationOrdinalint"mediationOrdinal": 15Signifies how many ads have been in the session across other ad networks. This can be passed in mediated projects with multiple ad networks when supported.
muteboolean"mute": trueThe device’s mute status when the request was made.
gameCategorystring"gameCategory": "Games"Google Play and Apple App Store category definitions.
subGameCategorystring"subGameCategory": "Simulation"Google Play and Apple App Store sub-game category definitions.
sessionDepthint"sessionDepth": 1The number of times an ad has been delivered for the current session.
bAgestring"bAge": "17+"

Content age ratings that are blocked by the publisher.

Important: If your app's age rating (as defined on its store page) exceeds this value, your bid will be filtered out.

Note: Unity will not pass any of these data signals if they are not present in the request.

Bid request example with contextual data

    "id": "ABCDEfghijkLMNOPqrstUV", 
        "imp": [{ 
            "id": "1", 
                "banner": { 
                    "w": 320, 
                    "h": 480, 
                    "battr": [1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9], 
                    "pos": 7 
            "instl": 1, 
            "tagid": "com.unity.example-vast", 
            "secure": 1 
        "app": { 
            "id": "123abc4d5e0aa0473a80e9e1f43528d8", 
            "name": "Example Game", 
            "bundle": "123456789", 
            "storeurl": "" 
        "device": { 
            "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_2_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.5.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15D60", 
            "geo": { 
                "lat": 50.0144, 
                "lon": -50.2772, 
                "type": 2, 
                "country": "USA", 
                "city": "San Francisco", 
                "utcoffset": -480 
            "ip": "", 
            "devicetype": 4, 
            "model": "iPhone7,2", 
            "os": "ios", 
            "osv": "11.2.5", 
            "hwv": "iPhone 6", 
            "h": 667, 
            "w": 375, 
            "language": "en", 
            "carrier": "ATT", 
            "connectiontype": 2, 
            "ifa": "12345AB-C6789-DEFG-0123" 
    "at": 2, 
    "tmax": 200, 
    "regs": {}, 
    "ext": { 
        "mediationOrdinal": 1, 
        "mute": true, 
        "gameCategory": "Games", 
        "subGameCategory": "Simulation", 
        "sessionDepth": 1,
        "bAge": "17+" 