Add an integration

How to integrate your collaboration tools with a Unity Cloud project

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To add an integration, you must have the Owner or Manager user type in the project.

To add an integration to your workflow, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Unity Cloud.

  2. Go to Administration > Project integrations.

  3. Select the project for which you want to add an integration.


  5. Select the collaboration tool for which you want the integration, and then select NEXT.

  6. Select the events for which you want notifications, and then select NEXT.

  7. Configure the integration settings, for example a custom display name for the integration.

    The available options depend on the selected collaboration tool.

Integration settings for each collaboration tool


This table shows the integration settings for a webhook:

Display NameThe name to be displayed in the list of integrations for your organization.
Webhook URLThe URL of the server endpoint that receives the webhook POST requests from the Unity service.
Authentication SecretThe client secret of your receiving application.
Content TypeThe MIME type of data content.
Disable SSL/TLS VerificationWhether to turn off the verification of SSL/TLS security certificates. We recommend that you don't turn off verification, because it helps ensure that your data is sent securely to the specified Webhook URL.


To configure integrations with Discord, Unity calls an application that uses the Discord API to register a webhook to a Discord channel.

Before adding an integration with Discord, ensure that you have set the following:

  • You have a Discord server. Learn how to create a Discord server in the Discord documentation.
  • You have turned on webhooks for your Discord account.

To add an integration with Discord, follow these steps:

  1. Add an integration with Discord.

  2. Select the events for which you want notifications, and then select NEXT.

  3. Sign in to Discord.

  4. Define the integration settings:

    • The Discord server
    • The Discord channel to post notifications to
  5. Select Authorize.


To configure integrations with Slack, Unity calls an application that uses the Slack API to register a webhook to a Slack channel.

Before adding an integration with Slack, ensure that you have a Slack server. Read more about Slack workspaces in the Slack documentation.

To complete the configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Slack.
  2. Select a Slack workspace.
  3. Select the Slack channel to post notifications to, and then select Authorize.


Use integrations with email to notify project members when specified events occur in your projects.

  1. Add an integration with email.

  2. Select the events for which you want notifications, and then select NEXT.

  3. Select the project members who should receive these notifications.

  4. If you want future project members to receive these notifications, select Send email to new team members.


Use integrations with Jira to create an issue when you receive a report from Unity Cloud Diagnostics. Unity creates an issue with one of these labels:

  • unity-user-report
  • unity-crash-report
  • unity-exception-report

You must have permission to create an issue and to modify labels in the selected Jira project.

After you have entered the information of your Jira instance, define these settings for Cloud Diagnostics:

Create Issues In This ProjectThe project in which to create the issues
Mark Incoming Issues AsThe type of issue for the report


Use integrations with Trello to create and add a card to your board when you receive a user report from Unity Cloud Diagnostics.

To add an integration with Trello, follow these steps:

  1. Add an integration with Trello.

  2. Select the integration that you have just added, and then select Edit.

    Unity prompts you to sign in to Trello, and asks for permission to make changes to your Trello boards. This permission is needed so that Unity can create, update, and comment on cards.

  3. Define these integration settings:

    • Display Name: the name to be displayed in the list of integrations for your organization
    • Board: the board to post notifications to
  4. Save the settings.