Set up notifications

How to set up notifications for your Unity Cloud Organization.

Read time

1 minutes

Last updated

5 months ago

You can configure your notification settings to receive emails and push notifications on Slack when certain actions are performed in your Unity organization.

Integrate your Unity notifications with Slack

To integrate your Unity notifications with Slack, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Administration > Notification settings.
  2. Select Configure Slack.
  3. Select a channel to post the notifications to and click Allow.

To change which channel you want to post the notifications to, select Edit Slack configuration.

To disconnect the integration, select Disconnect.

Set up email and Slack notifications

To set up email and Slack notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Administration > Notification settings.
  2. Enable the Email notification toggle for the actions you want to receive emails about.
  3. Enable the Slack notification toggle for the actions you want to receive push notifications about. These notifications are posted to the Slack channel you configured when you integrated with Slack earlier.

Your changes are saved automatically.