Build a Cloud application

Unity Cloud Creator SDKs and Services

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3 months ago

Unity Cloud understands what a 3D asset is, helping you transform assets to and from any format. Unity services and SDKs integrate directly with existing workflows for developing real-time 3D applications.

Creators who develop 3D experiences work with assets from different software applications and file formats. It can be difficult to find assets, understand their status (in review, in progress, done), and open them in a Real-Time 3D Application. Assets can come from anywhere, in multiple formats (USD, FBX, CAD, BIM, GLB, etc). Preparing them for RT3D used to be a complex and expensive process.

Unity offers a solution for accessing and managing all your assets in one place and the tools to create your Cloud-connected applications.

Unity Cloud Reference Project

Unity Cloud Identity

Unity Cloud Assets

Unity Cloud Deep Linking

Unity Cloud Data Streaming

Unity Cloud Annotations

Unity Cloud Presence

Unity Cloud Metadata

Unity Cloud Common