Manage budgets

How to manage budgets and budget alerts for Unity Gaming Services

Read time 2 minutes

To manage budgets, you must have the Owner user type for the organization.

Create a budget

To create a budget, follow these steps:

  1. In Unity Cloud, go to Administration, and then, in the Finance and Billing section, select Budget Alerts.

  2. Select Create budget.

  3. Enter the following information for your budget:

    NameEnter a name for your budget.
    Total budgetEnter the total monthly budget for your organization.
    Budget scopeChoose which Unity Gaming Services products to include in the budget scope.
    Budget thresholdsOptionally, define the thresholds for which you want to receive alerts.
  4. Select Create budget.

Manage existing budgets

After you've created a budget, you can perform these actions:

  • Get an overview of your budgets and track your spending against budgets. Read more about the Budget Alerts page.

  • Edit the budget:

    • Increase or decrease the spending limit
    • Change the thresholds for which you want to receive alerts
    • Edit the budget scope