Manage metadata

Read time 5 minutes
Last updated 10 months ago

Before you start

To access any metadata from an asset, dataset or file, make sure the app has all the right accesses. Read more about managing Identity.

How do I...?

Create a metadata field definition

To create a metadata field, follow these steps:

  1. Create a CreateField object and fill in the necessary information.
  2. Call create_field_definition with the organization id and your CreateField object. The possible for FieldDefinitionType are:
    • NUMBER
    • TEXT
    • URL
    • USER
create_field = CreateFieldDefinition(
  key = "my_new_field",
  display_name = "My Field",
  type = unity_cloud.assets.FieldDefinitionType.SELECT,
  accepted_values = ["value1", "value2", "value3"],
  multiselection = False

unity_cloud.assets.create_field_definition(org_id = "0123456", create_field = create_field)

Update a metadata field definition

To update a metadata field, follow these steps:

  1. Create an UpdateField object along with the information to update.
  2. Call update_field_definition with the organization id and your UpdateFieldobject.
update_field = UpdateFieldDefinition(
  key = "my_new_field",
  display_name = "My Field with a new name",
  accepted_values = ["value1", "value2", "value3", "value4"]

unity_cloud.assets.update_field_definition(org_id = "0123456", update_field = create_field)

Add accepted values to a SELECT metadata field

To add accepted values to a metadata field of type SELECT, call add_accepted_values_to_field_definition with the new values.

This action removes the necessity of calling update_field_definition with all the already existing values.

unity_cloud.assets.add_accepted_values_to_field_definition(org_id = "0123456", field_key = "my_new_field", accepted_values = ["value5", "value6"])

Remove accepted values from a SELECT metadata field

To remove accepted values to a metadata field of type SELECT, call remove_accepted_values_from_field_definition with the values you want removed.

This action removes the necessity of calling update_field_definition with the values you want to keep.

unity_cloud.assets.remove_accepted_values_from_field_definition(org_id = "0123456", field_key = "my_new_field", accepted_values = ["value5", "value6"])

Delete a metadata field definition

To delete a metadata field, call delete_field_definition with its organization id and field key.

unity_cloud.assets.delete_field_definition(org_id = "0123456", field_key = "my_new_field")

List all field definitions

To retrieve all metadata field from an organization, call list_field_definitions with the organization id and whether or not you want deleted field included in the list.

  • (Optional) Add the parameter name_sorting_order to sort the results alphabetically either in ascending or descending.
  • (Optional) Add the parameter limit_to to limit the amount of results returned. Leave it unchanged or set it to 0 to return everything.
  • (Optional) Add the parameter skip to specify the number of collection to skip in the results. Use in combination with limit_to to page through results.
fields = unity_cloud.assets.list_field_definitions(
  org_id = "0123456",
  include_deleted = False,
  name_sorting_order = SortingOrder.ASCENDING,
  limit_to = 10,
  skip = 0)

Get a field definition

To retrieve a metadata field from an organization, call get_field_definition with the organization id and the key of the field.

field = unity_cloud.assets.get_field_definition(org_id = "0123456", field_key = "my_new_field")

Manage metadata

When managing Metadata dictionaries, make sure the dictionaries have existing metadata field keys and consistent values according to their type.

For a field with a SELECT type, accepted_values can either be a string or an array of strings. This distinction depends on the value set for multiselection:

  • If set to TRUE, the accepted_values is an array of strings.
  • If set to FALSE, the accepted_values is a string.
  • Use the following code sample to create an entity:
metadata = dict()
metadata["Language"] = "C#"

asset_creation = AssetCreation(
  name = "your-asset-name",
  description = "your-asset-description",
  type = unity_cloud.assets.asset_type.MODEL_3D,
  metadata = metadata
  • Use the following code sample to update an entity:
    metadata = dict()
    metadata["Language"] = "C#"

    asset_update = AssetUpdate(
      name = "your-asset-name",
      metadata = metadata
  • Use the following code sample to fetch an entity's metadata:
asset_metadata = unity_cloud.assets.get_asset_metadata(
  org_id = "012345",
  project_id = "1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef",
  asset_id = "0123456789",
  keys = [])

asset_prog_language = asset_metadata["Language"]

dataset_metadata = unity_cloud.datasets.get_dataset_metadata(
  org_id = "012345",
  project_id = "1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef",
  asset_id = "0123456789",
  dataset_id = "0123456789",
  keys = [])

file_Metadata = unity_cloud.files.get_file_metadata(
  org_id = "012345",
  project_id = "1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef",
  asset_id = "0123456789",
  dataset_id = "0123456789",
  cloud_file_path = PurePosixPath("path/to/file.ext"),
  keys = [])