Manage Identity

How to set up Identity to sign in and use the Python SDK.

Read time 6 minutes
Last updated a year ago

Unity Cloud services require the caller to be properly authorized before you can perform any operation or access other modules such as Assets.

There are two modules available to retrieve such authorization:

  • unity_cloud.identity.user_login
  • unity_cloud.identity.service_account

Only one module can be used at all time. Declaring unity_cloud.identity.user_login.use() prevents any call to the unity_cloud.identity.service_account module by throwing an exception.

How do I...?

Authenticate with a user login

The user sign-in process requires to:

  1. Manually request a sign-in (or a sign-out) from the integration.
  2. Enter your Unity account credentials to authenticate.

The user login implements the OAuth 2.0 PKCE standard flow to retrieve an access token, and relies on the default OS browser as an intermediary to authenticate.

Initialize and sign in to Unity Dashboard

To use standard user login, follow these steps:

  1. Call unity_cloud.identity.user_login.use() to initialize the user_login module. This action automatically checks if any refresh token is currently cached. If so, you are authenticated.
  2. If there is no token, call login to trigger your browser to open and sign in to Unity Dashboard.

After you have signed in, a refresh token is automatically cached.

def initialize_user_login():

    auth_state = unity_cloud.identity.user_login.get_authentication_state()
    if auth_state != unity_cloud.identity.user_login.Authentication_State.LOGGED_IN:

Sign out

To sign out, follow these steps:

  1. Initialize the following modules in this order:
    1. unity_cloud
    2. unity_cloud.identity.user_login.use()
    3. (Optional) unity_cloud.identity.user_login.login. Read more about initializing and signing in the user through Unity Dashboard.
  2. Call the logout method with the clear_cache argument set to TRUE.
    Calling the method signs you out from the browser.
  3. (Optional) Set the clear_cache argument to FALSE to allow automatic re-login next time unity_cloud.identity.user_login.use() is called.
      clear_cache = True

Get information about the current user

To retrieve all information on the current user, including their access token, call the get_current_user_info method.

    user_infos = unity_cloud.identity.user_login.get_current_user_info()

Use a callback to track the authentication state during a user sign-in

Subscribing to the authentication state change allows you to get a callback every step of the authentication flow.


  def auth_state_callback(state):

      event_type = unity_cloud.identity.user_login.AUTHENTICATION_STATE_CHANGED_EVENT,
      callback = auth_state_callback
    unity_cloud.identity.user_login.logout(clear_cache = True)
      event_type = unity_cloud.identity.user_login.AUTHENTICATION_STATE_CHANGED_EVENT,
      callback = auth_state_callback

Use a service account to perform app-oriented authorization

The service account allows authorization for internal headless scenarios (automated scripts, tests, etc.).

Generate a service account

  1. Create a service account.
  2. Make sure to store the service account credentials (key ID and secret key) in a secure and private location.
    Refer to these credentials in your integration to authorize your calls to Unity Cloud services.
  3. Attach the service account to an organization or a project.

Set up your app to use a service account

After the required unity_cloud initialization, pass the key id and secret key of your service account generated via the Dashboard.

    key_id = "1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef"
    key = "12345678ABCDefgh-1234AbC-5678eFg"
    unity_cloud.identity.service_account.use(key_id=key_id, key=key)

Get a list of the accessible organizations or projects

To get a list of accessible organizations or projects, follow these steps:

  1. Use the get_organization_list method to retrieve a list of all accessible organizations.
  2. Call get_project_list with an organization id to retrieve the accessible projects contained in it.
    • (Optional) Add the parameter limit_to to limit the amount of returned results. Leave it untouched or set it to 0 to return everything.
    • (Optional) Add the parameter skip to specify the number of collection to skip in the results. Use it in combination with limit_to to page through results.
    orgs = unity_cloud.identity.get_organization_list()
    if len(orgs) != 0:
        projects = unity_cloud.identity.get_project_list_list(orgs[0].id)
        permissions = unity_cloud.identity.get_organization_permissions(orgs[0].id)
        roles = unity_cloud.identity.get_organization_roles(orgs[0].id)

The get_organization_permissions, get_organization_roles, get_project_permission and get_project_roles methods provide more granular information about roles and permissions that are inherited from whichever authorization flow you chose.

Create a project

To create a project, follow these steps:

  1. Create a ProjectCreation object with the name of the new project and optionally metadata.
  2. Call create_project with the ProjectCreation object and the organization ID.
project_creation = ProjectCreation(name="myNewProject")
unity_cloud.identity.create_project(project_creation, org_id)

Get a project

To get a single project, call get_project with the organization and project IDs.

project = unity_cloud.identity.get_project(org_id, project_id)

List users in an organization

To list all users associated to an organization, call get_organization_user_info_list with the organization ID.

users = unity_cloud.identity.get_organization_user_info_list(org_id)

List users in a project

To list all users associated to a project, call get_project_user_info_list with the organization and project IDs.

users = unity_cloud.identity.get_project_user_info_list(org_id, project_id)

Get a single user

To get the info for a user, call get_user_info with the organization and user IDs.

user = unity_cloud.identity.get_user_info(org_id, user_id)