Manage collections

How to create and manage collections.

Read time 3 minutes
Last updated 10 months ago

Before you start

To access any collections, ensure that the application has all the right accesses. Read more about managing Identity.

How do I...?

Create a collection

To create a collection, follow these steps:

  1. Create a CollectionCreation object with:
    • the collection name
    • the parent collection if any
    • the collection description
  2. Call create_collection with the organization and project IDs.
    create_collection = CollectionCreation("my_collection", parent_path="", description="Collection description")

    collection = unity_cloud.assets.create_collection(create_collection, org_id, project_id)

Update a collection

To update a collection, follow these steps:

  1. Create a CollectionUpdate object with the new name and/or the new description.
  2. Call update_collection with the organization and project IDs, followed by the original name of the collection.
collection_update = CollectionUpdate(name="New name", description="new description")

unity_cloud.assets.update_collection(collection_update, org_id, project_id, original_collection_name)

Delete a collection

To delete a collection, pass the organization and project IDs followed by the collection's name.

unity_cloud.assets.delete_collection(config.org_id, config.project_id,

Get a collection

To get a collection, pass the organization and project IDs followed by the collection's name.

collection = unity_cloud.assets.get_collection(org_id, project_id, collection_name)

List all collections in a project

To list all collections in a project, follow these steps:

  1. Pass the organization and project IDs.
  2. (Optional) Add the parameter limit_to to limit the amount of returned results. Leave it untouched or set it to 0 to return everything.
  3. (Optional) Add the parameter skip to specify the number of collection to skip in the results. Use in combination with limit_to to page through results.
unity_cloud.assets.list_collections(org_id, project_id, limit_to=10, skip=0)

To link an asset to a collection, follow these steps:

  1. Pass the organization and project IDs containing the collection.
  2. Pass the name of the collection.
  3. Pass the IDs of the assets you want to link.

        org_id = "012345678912",
        project_id = "1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef",
        collection_path = "your-collection-name",
        asset_ids = ["0123456789abcdefghijklmn", "1123456789abcdefghijklmn", "2123456789abcdefghijklmn"]

To remove assets from a collection, follow these steps:

  1. Pass the organization and project IDs containing the collection.
  2. Pass the name of the collection.
  3. Pass the IDs of the assets you want to remove.

        org_id = "012345678912",
        project_id = "1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef",
        collection_path = "your-collection-name",
        asset_ids = ["0123456789abcdefghijklmn", "1123456789abcdefghijklmn", "2123456789abcdefghijklmn"]