Manage asset versions

How to manage asset versions and version labels

Read time 5 minutes

Before you start

To access any assets, make sure the app has the right permissions. Read more about managing Identity.

Submit or freeze an asset version

When you see an asset version as complete, to freeze a specific version, call freeze_asset_version with the information of the asset version and a changelog.

      org_id = "012345678912",
        project_id = "1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef",
        asset_id = "0123456789abcdefghijklmn",
        asset_version = '1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef',
        changelog = "Initial version")

Create a new unfrozen version

To create a new unfrozen version from a frozen version, call create_unfrozen_asset_version with the frozen version information.

new_version = unity_cloud.assets.create_unfrozen_asset_version(
  org_id = "012345678912",
  project_id = "1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef",
  asset_id = "0123456789abcdefghijklmn",
  asset_version = '1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef')

Search for versions of assets

To search for a version of an asset, follow these steps:

  1. Create your filters as dictionaries or objects that will contain the conditions.
  2. Create an array that will contain the collections in which to look up. Leave the array empty to search across all collections and assets version not linked to a collection.
  3. Call search_versions_in_asset with the organization ID, your project IDs, your filters, the amount of matches required in any_filter, the collections, and optionally the maximum number of results returned and the amount to skip for paging purpose.
include_filter = dict()
exclude_filter = dict()
any_filter = dict()

include_filter[SearchableProperties.NAME] = StringFilter(StringLookUpTypes.REGEX, "asset\-.*")

collections = []

search_result = unity_cloud.assets.search_versions_in_asset(org_id, project_id, asset_id, include_filter=include_filter, exclude_filter=exclude_filter, any_filter=any_filter, any_query_minimum_match=1, collections=collections, limit_to=10, skip=0)

Create a version label

To create a version label, follow these steps:

  1. Create a LabelCreation object by passing the name, the description, and the color in hex code that it will display in the dashboard.
  2. Call create_label with the organization id and the previously created LabelCreation.

label_creation = LabelCreation(name="my new version label", description="label_description", color="#FFFFFF")
label = unity_cloud.assets.create_label(org_id="1234567890", label=label_creation)

Update a version label

To update a version label, follow these steps:

  1. Create a LabelUpdate object and pass the name, the new description, and the new color in hex code that will display in the dashboard.
  2. Call update_label with the organization id and the previously created LabelUpdate.
    label_update = LabelUpdate(, description= "new description", color="#000000")

    unity_cloud.assets.update_label(org_id="1234567890", label=label_update)

Get a version label

To get a single version label, call get_label with the organization id and the name of the version label.

label = unity_cloud.assets.get_label(org_id="1234567890", name="the name")

List all version labels in an organization

To list all created version labels in an organization, call list_organization_labels with the organization id and whether or not you want archived labels or non archived labels.

labels = unity_cloud.assets.list_organization_labels(org_id="1234567890", is_archived=False)

Archive or unarchive a version label

To archive or unarchive a version label, call archive_label or unarchive_label with the organization id and the name of the label.

unity_cloud.assets.archive_label(org_id="1234567890", name="label name")
unity_cloud.assets.unarchive_label(org_id="1234567890", name="label name")

Assign or unassign version labels to an asset version

Once version labels are created, to assign or unassign them to a specific asset version, call assign_labels or unassign_labels with the asset version information and an array with the names of the version labels to assign or unassign.

  org_id = "012345678912",
  project_id = "1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef",
  asset_id = "0123456789abcdefghijklmn",
  asset_version = '1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef',
  labels = ["label1", "label2"])

  org_id = "012345678912",
  project_id = "1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef",
  asset_id = "0123456789abcdefghijklmn",
  asset_version = '1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef',
  labels = ["label1", "label2"])

List the version labels assigned to an asset version

Once labels have been assigned to an asset version, to list them, call list_asset_labels with the asset version information and whether or not you want to see archived version labels or non archived versions. You can also use limit and skip parameter for paging purpose.

asset_labels_names = unity_cloud.assets.list_asset_labels(
  org_id = "012345678912",
  project_id = "1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef",
  asset_id = "0123456789abcdefghijklmn",
  asset_version = '1234abcd-ab12-cd34-ef56-123456abcdef',
  is_archived = false,
  limit = 100,
  skip = 0