Download assets

How to download Unity Cloud assets for use in a local project or another application.

Read time 2 minutes
Last updated 9 months ago

To use a Unity Cloud Asset in a local project or prepare it for use in a different application, you can download any assets from the Asset Manager interface.

Asset files

Every Unity Cloud Asset is made of multiple files, including :

  • The source file uploaded by the person who added the asset to the Asset Manager Project.
  • A preview file that the system uses to generate thumbnails and asset previews in Asset Manager interface.
  • Any metadata associated with the asset.

You can download the entire Unity Cloud Asset, or only specific files for it.

Before you start

You must have at least a Consumer role in the Asset Manager Project from which you want to download assets.

Download a Unity Cloud Asset

You can download Unity Cloud Assets from multiple places in the Asset Manager interface. Do any of the following:

  • From the side panel, select Download.
  • From the Dataset tab of the side panel, select Download.
  • From the Manage Files view, select Download

Download all the files of your asset

To download all the files of your asset at once, follow these steps:

  1. In the view for the asset you want to download, select Inspect.
  2. In the side panel, select Download.

The system generates a ZIP that contains all the files for the asset.

Download specific files for an asset

To select a specific file to from the asset to download, follow these steps:

  1. In the view for the Asset you want to select files from, select Inspect.
  2. In the side panel, select the Dataset tab.
  3. Click to select the individual files you want to download.
  4. Select Download Selection.