Define new metadata fields

How to define new fields for the metadata library that asset managers in your Unity Cloud Organization can use to make assets more discoverable in your Asset Manager Projects.

Read time 2 minutes
Last updated a year ago

Managing large collections of 3D assets across projects in an environment where industry standards and project requirements rapidly change can create serious challenges for asset managers responsible for keeping content authoritative and discoverable.

Unity Asset Manager makes it easy to manage and discover assets in your Organization with tools for defining custom metadata fields.

Defining custom metadata fields make it so people you share Unity Cloud Assets with can filter items by the genres, types, and technical specifications that you define. As product requirements or industry standards change, your Organization can adapt metadata fields to keep your content relevant.

Before you start

You must have the Owner user type, the Manager user type, or the Asset Manager Admin role in your Unity Cloud Organization to create new metadata field definitions.

Define a new metadata field

To define a new custome metadata field for your Organization, follow these steps:

  1. From the Asset Manager interface, select the Unity Cloud Asset and then select Edit asst.
  2. Select Add metadata. The New Metadata tab appears.
  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the new field. For example, Genre.
  4. In the Type drop-down, select a type for the field.
  5. Select Add. The new field is added to your Organization library and the asset.

Any users with a Contributor role can also use the new metadata field to describe assets they add to Asset Manager Projects in your Organization.