Unity Editor LevelPlay integration

You can install Unity LevelPlay mediation through the Ads Mediation package in the Unity Editor.

Unity Ads Mediation package support

Starting in December 2022, the Ads Mediation package is available in the Unity Editor Package Manager for the following Editor versions:

  • 2020.3.39f1+
  • 2021.3.10f1+
  • 2022.1.13f1+
  • 2022.2.0b7+

Install the Ads Mediation package

In a supported editor version, install the package:

  1. Open your project in the Unity Editor and go to Window > Package Manager.

  2. In the Package Manager window:

    1. Select Packages > Unity Registry.

    2. Select Ads Mediation from the list of packages, and then select the most recent verified version.

    3. Select Install.

      Note: If prompted, Unity recommends importing the Mobile Dependency Resolver. Projects made with Unity require a dependency resolver to resolve platform-specific dependencies. Refer to Resolve dependencies for more information.

  3. Optional: Update the ironSource adapter to the latest version by selecting Ads Mediation > Integration Manager > Update.

To remove the Ads Mediation package:

  1. Open your project in the Unity Editor and go to Window > Package Manager.

  2. In the Package Manager window:

    1. Select Packages > In Project.

    2. Select Ads Mediation > Remove.

    3. In the Unity Editor Project window, select Assets > ironSource.

    4. Right-click ironSource > Delete.

    Note: If installed, delete the Mobile Dependency Resolver from Assets.