Track unattributed installs

Unattributed installs are installs that are attributed to other (non-Unity) ad networks. In general, attribution partners (MMPs) do not pass unattributed installs to Unity by default, but activating them in your partner dashboard helps Unity User Acquisition enrich its models with additional data that may result in more efficient campaigns.

To enable unattributed installs from your MMP:

MMPSteps to enable unattributed data
  1. On the Appsflyer dashboard, select Configuration.
  2. Select Integrated Partners > Unity Ads.
  3. In the Default postbacks or In-app events postback section, set the Sending option field to All media sources, including organic
  1. On the Adjust dashboard, select Partner Setup > Unity.
  2. Toggle Attributed Only to OFF.
  1. On the Singular dashboard, select ATTRIBUTION.
  2. In the Partner Configuration section, under Event Postbacks, check the Send all checkbox.
  1. On the Kochava dashboard, select Partner Configuration.
  2. Locate Unity Ads, and set the Delivery method to All.

Note: If your MMP isn't listed, please contact them for information on how to activate unattributed installs.