Video asset specifications

Video ads use in-game video through an embedded webview to market an app. While an ad only requires one video, uploading a video for each type of screen orientation (landscape and portrait) yields better optimization. When a creative contains both, Unity's valuation algorithm selects the best orientation to display. Note that with Unity, all video ads must also include an end card.


Video creatives must adhere to the following specifications:

  • 60 seconds or less.
  • H.264-encoded MP4 format.
  • 16:9 pixel ratio for landscape videos, or 9:16 pixel ratio for portrait videos.
  • Recommended file size is 10 MB. Maximum file size is 100 MB. Videos are re-encoded to be suitable for various bitrates. The final video shown will be optimized for the user's available network speed and cache settings.
  • Apple only: Due to Apple requirements, only depict the Apple app store logo. Refer to Apple’s marketing guidelines for more information.

Note: The current version of long video ads (30 to 60 seconds) is a beta release. The features and documentation might change between now and the next release.


Refer to the following examples of the correct video asset pixel ratios.

Portrait videos

Use a 9:16 pixel ratio for portrait videos like the following example:

Landscape videos

Use a 16:9 pixel ratio for landscape videos like the following example: