SKAdNetwork advertising slot limits

Due to the limitations introduced by SKAdNetwork, Unity limits you to 50 or fewer iOS advertising slots for any app. Limiting your advertising slots will help you obtain more accurate SKAdNetwork reporting by supporting the correct association of installs to campaigns and creative packs.

Running more than 50 combined live iOS campaigns and creative pack types will cause the following issues:

  • The reporting based on SKAdNetwork postbacks becomes less accurate.
  • The predicted conversion rates for all campaigns in Unity’s network become less accurate.

The recommended best practice is to merge the Organizations that manage campaigns for a given app. Ideally, all campaigns for a given app are in one Organization, so that you can apply the recommended limit of 50 advertising slots for each app.

If agencies or other third parties manage campaigns for your app using separate Organization accounts, inform them that there are only 50 total advertising slots available per app.