Customize data cube reports

Apply filters to your data to gain powerful insight into campaign performance. You can apply filters to any dimensions. To refine a filter, drag a dimension to the + symbol next to the FILTER field, then click to open its context menu.

Apply parameters using the following operations:

Include operation

Use this operation to include the selected dimension parameters in your report. Anything not checked is excluded from the report for the corresponding dimension.

Include operation example

To isolate campaign data for Android users:

  1. Add the Platform dimension to your filters.
  2. In the operations drop-down, select Include.
  3. Select Android from the dimension parameters, then select Okay.

Exclude operation

Use this operation to exclude the selected dimension parameters from your report. Anything not checked is included in the report for the corresponding dimension.

Exclude operation example

To isolate campaign data for users that are not in the U.S.:

  1. Add the Country dimension to your filters.
  2. In the operations drop-down, select Exclude.
  3. Select US from the dimension parameters, then select Okay.

Contains operation

Use this operation to include any dimension parameters containing a partial string.

Contains operation example

To isolate campaign data for users that are running some version of the iOS 13 operating system:

  1. Add the OS Version dimension to your filters.
  2. In the operations drop-down, select Contains.
  3. Type 13 in the dimension parameters search bar, then select Okay.

Regex operation

Use this operation to specify custom or compound parameters to include in your report. Some common examples include fuzzy matches, grouping, and "or" statements.

Regex operation example

To isolate campaign data for three specific advertiser games:

  1. Add the Advertiser Game ID dimension to your filters.
  2. In the operations drop-down, select Regex.
  3. Type ^exampleID1$\|^exampleID2$\|^exampleID3$ in the dimension parameters search bar, then select Okay.