Dashboard report metrics and filters reference

Refer to the following customizable report elements when configuring your Report Builder dashboard reports.


The top section provides an overview of your cumulative campaign performance over the specified time period (the default is Latest 7 days). The overview tracks the following metrics:

StartsThe number of times a user viewed your ad. Starts are commonly called “impressions”
ClicksThe number of times a user-interaction indicates an intention to download the target app. Clicks are also known as Attribution Clicks
InstallsThe number of times an install was attributed to your ads
SpendThe total budget spent in this period, based on number of installs and cost per install
eCPMEffective cost per mille is the estimated cost per 1,000 impressions shown
CPICost per install
CVR (Installs/Starts)Conversion rate is the total number of installs divided by the number of starts or impressions


You can change the dashboard, time period, and other filters.


Select the settings icon to configure the following settings:

  • time zone
  • update frequency
  • caching options