Exploration moderation status

The Exploration status means the creative pack has been accepted in moderation and is now being explored to find the audiences it works best for. The conversion rate (CVR) and pace of accumulating impressions are not reliable until the exploration phase is complete. On cost-per-install (CPI) billed campaigns, you are charged for the installs you accumulate during this phase. On cost-per-impression (CPM) billed campaigns, you are charged for the impressions you accumulate during this phase.

The exploration phase happens automatically and does not require any action from you. The best thing to do while there is a creative pack in the exploration phase in your campaign is to just let it run its course uninterrupted. This phase may last from a few hours to up to 12 days.

Making changes to the campaign targeting during this phase might affect the pace of the exploration process; wider targeting can speed up the exploration, while narrower targeting might slow it down. Adding new creative packs to the campaign does not affect the exploration process of existing creative packs unless the campaign budget becomes a limiting factor due to additional spend from the new creative packs.

If you wish to accelerate the exploration process, you can try increasing your CPI. You can do this by increasing the CPI in the already existing campaign either for the duration of the exploration process or permanently, or by placing the new creative pack in a separate campaign with a higher CPI if you do not wish to increase your CPI for all the creative packs you're running. You can also try different, lower cost targeting in a separate campaign.

Next: Review the Live moderation status.