Add a playable creative

To compose a creative pack with a playable creative, do the following from the Creative Packs page:

  1. Select Create.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select Playable. A dialog will appear for configuring a playable ad creative pack.

    Note: If the control for adding playable ads doesn't display for you, please contact Support.

  3. In the pop-up window, enter a creative pack name.
  4. Select a playable type (Responsive or Portrait and Landscape).
  5. Upload your playable assets. Enter the required information for each asset (refer to the documentation on playable ad specifications for more information).
  6. Select Upload to upload a file, or Add by URL to add a file hyperlink. Toggle between Responsive or Portrait & landscape to indicate the shape of the playable ad. For a square ad, choose Responsive.
  7. Select the playable language, then select Create to save.