Eligibility criteria for Audience Pinpointer campaigns

Before enabling Audience Pinpointer retention or ROAS (return-on-ad-spend or revenue) campaign goals in a specific geographical area, Unity needs to collect data from end users in that geographic location. This group of users is often referred to as a cohort. In most cases, you’re eligible to set up and run retention and revenue campaigns within 2 – 40 days from when you first start sending this data, depending on the campaign type.

In general, eligibility is based on data from 30 days of a mature install cohort. For day-zero (D0) goals, maturation takes two days. So D0 eligibility data comes from days 2 – 32 after install. For day-seven (D7) goals, eligibility data comes from days 10 – 40 after install.

The following are examples of D7-mature install cohorts within 10 – 40 days:

  • If you enable sending data on January 01, the first install cohort consists of installs made on January 01, and are D7 mature on January 10 (192 hours after January 01). Therefore, the earliest date when you can be eligible to run Audience Pinpointer campaigns is January 10.
  • On January 10, there is D7 mature data for the install cohort of January 01. On January 11, there is D7 data for two install cohorts (January 01 and 02). On February 08, there is D7 data for 30 install cohorts (January 01-30). Starting from February 09, Audience Pinpointer only looks at the 30 newest install cohorts (January 02-31) for determining eligibility since in most cases you are eligible to run Audience Pinpointer campaigns within 10-30 days from when you first start sending this data.

Note: For day-zero campaigns, mature install cohorts only require two days, so eligibility data is taken from within 2 – 32 of the previous days.

Minimum eligibility requirements

To be eligible for running ROAS or retention campaign goals, you must comply with the install, retention, or depositor rates listed below. In addition, Unity requests permission to activate the Unity analytics optimization collection. The requirements are slightly different depending on whether you are passing data via a Unity SDK or through your MMP.

Pass data through a Unity SDK

To run retention campaigns in a specific geo, you need to have a minimum of 10 retained users in that geo over the 30-day cohorts. This is counted over all installs, not just Unity-attributed installs. Only users making IAP through the platform provider’s store are considered paying users.

To run IAP (in-app purchase) ROAS campaigns in a specific geo, you are required to have a minimum of 10 paying users in that geo over the 30-day cohorts. This is counted over all installs, not just Unity-attributed installs. Only users making IAP through the platform provider’s store are considered paying users.

Important: Only SDK data accrued from iOS campaigns can be used to meet eligibility requirements at this time. Support for Android campaign SDK data is coming soon.

For more information, refer to the documentation on passing post-install data using the Unity Ads SDK.

Pass data via MMP postbacks

To run retention campaigns in a specific geographic location, you need to have a minimum of 100 Unity-attributed installs in that location over the 30-day cohort. The D7 retention rate over the 30-day cohort needs to be at least 1%.

To run IAP ROAS campaigns in a specific geographic location, you are required to have a minimum of 10 paying users in that location over the 30-day cohort. This is counted over Unity-attributed installs.

To run ad revenue ROAS campaigns in a specific geographic location, you need to have a minimum of 200 Unity-attributed installs in that location over the fully-matured D7 cohort. The cohort must also have generated some ad revenue passed to Unity via the MMP, but the cohort can include users who haven't generated ad revenue.

For more information, refer to the documentation on passing post-install data using an MMP.

Remove Allowlist and Blocklist apps

Because Audience Pinpointer campaigns are purely optimized towards users, for best results you should clear any allowlisted or blocklisted apps for retention and ROAS campaigns. Contact your Unity account representative if you want to retain these lists for your Audience Pinpointer campaign(s). For more information, refer to the documentation on app targeting.

Next steps: Enable passing post-install events to Unity.