News and updates

Refer to News and updates for the latest enhancements and features of Unity Ads.

Note: You can also stay informed on the latest news and updates for Unity Ads User Acquisition (formerly Acquire) and the Unity Ads Monetization dashboard.

October 2023

Unity Ads SDK 4.9 release

SDK version 4.9 is now released. In addition to bug fixes, this SDK version provides increased banner demand and testing support for both Android and iOS platforms.

Refer to the 4.9 changelog for more information.

June 2023

Unity Ads SDK 4.8 release

SDK version 4.8 is now released. In addition to bug fixes, this SDK version allows publishers using third-party mediation to get more accurate banner reporting with the introduction of two new methods, one for Android and one for iOS, respectively.

Refer to the 4.8 changelog for more information.

New privacy legislations: CPA and CTDPA

Two new privacy legislations are in effect as of July 1, 2023 - the Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA) and Colorado Privacy Act (CPA).

If you are a publisher using Unity Consent, no action is needed from you because your users will experience new privacy choices that are compliant with CTDPA and CPA already. If you are a publisher implementing your own developer consent, it’s your responsibility to ensure your solution is compliant with CPA and CTDPA.

To learn more about the CPA and CTDPA privacy legislations, refer to the Consumer privacy act compliance.

May 2023

Unity Ads SDK 4.7.1 release

SDK version 4.7.1 is now released, with a Java 8 targeting requirement and a target version (compileSdkVersion) of API 33 applicable to all Android developers planning to use the Unity Ads SDK 4.7.1 and higher. This SDK version resolves an issue with the new gradle build requirement for Android developers, so that newer gradle build versions may work with current LTS Unity Editors.

Refer to the 4.7.1 changelog, the 4.7.0 changelog, and the steps to include Java 8 targeting in your project for more information.

Unity Ads SDK integration requirements for iOS and Android apps

Review the supported tooling and platform-specific requirements for a smooth integration of the Unity Ads SDK with your iOS app or Android app.

Refer to the iOS integration requirements and the Android integration requirements for more information.

April 2023

Mixed Audience user-level COPPA designations

If your app is directed to a mixed audience (children and adults), catch up on what this means for you to remain COPPA compliant when implementing user-level designations with the new information available to you in your project's Privacy Settings in the Monetization dashboard.

Refer to setting game-level age designations, implementing user-level age designations, and tracking user-specific age-restricted signals for more information.

March 2023

Revamped SDK changelog

The Unity Ads SDK changelog now has a cleaner presentation and organization for your convenience to find information about the current and all previous SDK releases from one place.

Refer to the Unity Ads SDK changelog for more information.